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Black Flag: Zpěvák Henry Rollins: Jako druh jsme dorazili do slepé uličky - Henry Rollins, americký hardcorový zpěvák a člen rozpadlé skupiny Black Flag, vyst... - novinky.cz | 

Black Flag: Svetoznámy herec a spevák, ktorý hral s Al Pacinom a Robertom De Nirom, mieri na Slovensko! - Už 4. februára sa v bratislavskom klube MMC uskutoční vystúpenie amerického herca, ... - bleskovky.sk | 

Black Flag: Slávny spevák a herec, ktorý hral s Al Pacinom aj De Nirom, mieri na Slovensko! - Už 4. februára sa v bratislavskom klube MMC uskutoční vystúpenie amerického herca, ... - zoznam.sk | 

Black Flag: Hudebník a rétor Henry Rollins (BLACK FLAG) přijede do Prahy - Z Good to See You 2022 se stalo Good to See You 2023. Když byl Henry Rollins nucen zruš... - spark | 

1981: 12 celebrít, o ktorých ste nevedeli, že sú punkáči - 12 celebrít, o ktorých ste nevedeli, že sú punkáči
Keď britský premiér Boris Jo... - rocker.sk | 

Amaka: Odjištěný HC-punkový granát s názvem The Bronx v 21. února v 007 - musiczone.cz | 

Air: Zahraniční alba roku 2007 - muzikus.cz | 

Black Flag: Thalidomide, Scorbut a Supraphon Family v Khi Khoi-i... - music.box.sk | 

Black Flag: Pohoda podesáté - musicserver.cz | 

Attitude: Festival hudebních filmů ukojí i pankáče - idnes.cz | 

Black Flag - Tv Party Black Flag - Tv Party | | TV party tonight! TV party tonight! TV party tonight! TV party tonight!
We're gonna have a TV party tonight (All right!)
We're gonna have a TV party all right (Tonight!)
We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews
Everybody's gonna hang out here tonight (All right!)
We'll pass out on the couch all right (Tonight!)
We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews
Don't talk about anything else, we don't wanna know
We're dedicated to our favorite shows
That's Incredible, Hill Street Blues, Dallas, Fridays
We sit glued to the TV set all night (And every night!)
Why go into the outside world at all (It's such a fright!)
We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews
TV really shows what it's like out there (It's a scare!)
You can go out if you want (We wouldn't dare!)
We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews
Don't talk about anything else, we don't wanna know
We're dedicated to our favorite shows
Saturday Night Live, Monday night football, Jeffersons, Vegas
I wouldn't be without my TV for a day (Or even a minute!)
Don't even bother to use my brain any more (There's nothing left in it!)
We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV and have a couple of brews
Hey wait a minute, my TV doesn't work (It's broken!)
What are we gonna do tonight, this isn't fair (We're hurting!)
We've got nothing left to do, with no TV and just a couple of brews
What are we gonna talk about? I don't know
We're gonna miss our favorite shows
No That's Incredible, no Monday night football, no Jeffersons, no Fridays
No TV party tonight |
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