Celine Dion - Retiens-moi / Retain Me Celine Dion - Retiens-moi / Retain Me | | If you see me turning the tete
To look at too much by the fenetre
Oh, retain me
If you surprise me the gray heart
With preparer that only one bag
Oh, retain me
Retain me
Retain my steps
Make go your siren of love
Open your velvet nets
Retain me, coils me
With the hollow of your promises still
Near against your body
If you see in my eyes of the weapons
To draw on the signal from the tears
Oh, retain me
If I am done too hard and too fiere
If I take the ete for the winter
Oh, retain me
Retain me
Empeche me
Of preferer the night at the day
Of saying < je t'aime > without < toujours >
Retain me
Carry me
Same without call the Help |
Retain, it is to me your turn
Oh, when all is fragile
When I have the air of an easy prey
Please, retain me
Give me
The peace of your wanders
The heat of your chance and the lapse of memory
In the hollow of your kidneys
Give me
What I lost one day
In these roads and these detours
To look for the way
Of your hands
Of your hands
Retain me
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