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Firewind: Live SONATA ARCTICA, FIREWIND, SERIOUS BLACK: Arktické nadšení - Power- (a speed-) metalový bonbónek jsme dostali k rozbalení právě v čase, kdy z hl... - spark | 

Firewind: FOTOGALERIE: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black přivezli do Zlína melodickou metalovou nálož - Čtvrteční večer patřil ve Zlíně energické show, o kterou se postarala Sonata Arct... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: NAžIVO: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black do Zlína dovezli podmanivou metalovou energii - Sonata Arctica, finská legenda melodického metalu, do Zlína přivezla energickou a hud... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: Sonata Arctica už ve čtvrtek zahraje ve Zlíně. Sestavu doplní Firewind a Serious Black - Finští melodicmetaloví mistři Sonata Arctica s potěšením oznamují také českou ... - musicserver.cz | 

Cold: Dubnový Spark uvádí: Tony Kakko (SONATA ARCTICA) – „Umělá inteligence mě děsí.“ - Pro dubnový Spark si o novém albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ s redaktorkou Sabinou Jesenov... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA zve na výlet do Kalifornie - SONATA ARCTICA se na svém aktuálním albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ vrátila do časů po... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA se v novém singlu „Dark Empath“ vrací ke známému motivu - Finští powermetalisté již 8. března vydají své nové studiové album „Clear Cold... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA ohlašuje albem „Clear Cold Beyond“ návrat k rychlému power metalu - Finská SONATA ARCTICA vydá nové studiové album s názvem „Clear Cold Beyond“ 8. b... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: STRATOVARIUS, SONATA ARCTICA - 9. 11. 2023, Brno, SONO Centrum - Brněnský večer finských metalových melodií fotil Radek Šich.
... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: SONATA ARCTICA se s novým singlem vrací k powermetalovým kořenům - Po vydání dvou akustických alb pracovali finští power metalisté SONATA ARCTICA tajn... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica - Caleb - 2 Sonata Arctica - Caleb - 2 | | "There is a man in this world who has never smiled
You may know his tragedy, the later years by heart
In the beginning there was a mother, father and a child
A troubled little silent boy whose life they were to destroy
Known to us from this day on like his father, Caleb"
His mother came up with such a clever way to save the day with a little white lie.
He thinks he missed the point back then, but now he's grown to understand it, in a way.
"Father said "I'm sorry" only once, as I remember"
"The words were not meant to hurt, only destroy you, my stupid son..."
One person can make a difference, sometimes...
Just turn his head when the kid is still and has a weak neck.
Smiled at his funeral, "happy you're dead."
All his solutions, it seemed, were only problems in disguise
Glueing on his drinkin´ face, got ready to erase another day...
Mother was yet confident, although they had it tight, taught her son
At the end of every tunnel’s a little light.
It wasn't a lie, it was her hope, that everything would be fine one day
"He can fulfill his every dream, I’m happy as long as he’s not."
"I hate it and fear can't face it
the child is not right, he's my greatest shame
Go out, create thunder, and stand right under
That old apple tree
Where dead snakes let him feed on those
Lost hopes, all those kind words could hurt him even more, now
Somehow, lost one more way back home
Out on the lake, he rows towards a monster he should’ve been running away from, years ago.
The past had made him blind to the way he’d turned the pain into a way of life.
Followed his father, tucked him in, Caleb knows the trade.
He’s the portrait of a man his mother drew to hate forever.
She was a beast, a deadly saint, wrong in many ways
Wanted to keep up the charade, until the end waltzing together
Over the hills, under the sea,
Fighting the will, whole Universe
Why does a man driving a hearse
Live in fear, Gift and a Curse
Taking ´em out, taking ´em all,
Shooting the wall, over and out
When nothing moves, all’s well,
A decision he can find a way to live with
...and dried up flowers are so beautiful.
And it applies to all things living, and dead.
For that I serve my time... in my suite in Hell.
"Now I ring the bell to tell the world,
I'm ready when they bring out the soon to be dead against the wall ..."
This necessary evil has no heart
Flowers and people he will now enlace
A price he must pay serving a cold
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