Joan Osborne - One Of Us Joan Osborne - One Of Us | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
IfF#mi God had a Dname, Awhat would it Ebe
And would you F#micall it to His fDace If you Awere faced wiEth Him in
F#miall His glDory, whatA would yoEu ask if you had
F#mijust one qDuestion A, E
®: DYeah, Dsus2yeah, GEod iE6s grEeat
Dyeah, Dsus2yeah, GEod iE6s goEod
Dyeah, Dsus2yeah, yEeahE, yEeah
What if F#miGod was onDe of us A, E
Just a sF#milob like oDne of us A, E
Just a sF#mitranger onD the bus A
Trying to Emake HisF#mi way homeD, A, E
What if God had a face,
what would it look like,
and would you like see,
if seeing meant that you would have to believe
in Jesus and the saints and all the prophets
Tryin´ to make His way home
Back up to Heaven all alone
Nobody callin´ on the phone
´Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
Just tryin´ to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to Heaven all alone
Just tryin´ to make his way home
Nobody callin´ on the phone
´Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
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