High School Musical

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High School Musical

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High School Musical - Corbin Blue & Lucas Grabeel - I Don´t
High School Musical - Corbin Blue & Lucas Grabeel - I Don´t



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I Don´t Dance

(Ryan) Hey,batter,batter, hey battter,batter swing.

(Chad) I've go to just do my thing.

(Ryan)Hey,batter,batter, hey batter,batter swing.

I'III show you that it's one and the same:

Baseball,dancing,same game.

It's easy:

Step up to the plate,start swingin.

(Chad) I wanna play ball now, and that's all.

This is what I do.

It ain't no dance that you can show me.

(Girls) You'll never know it you never try.

(Chad) There's just one little thing that stops me ev'ry time YEAH.

(Ryan) Come on!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan and Girls) I know you can.

(Chad) Not a chance.

(Ryan and Girls) It I could do this,well,you could do that.

(Chad) But I don't dance.

(Ryan) Hit it out of the park!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan) I say you can.

(Chad) There's not a chance.

(Ryan) Slide home,you score, swingin on the dance floor.

(Chad) I don't dance,no.

(Ryan)Hey,batter,batter, hey batter,batter swing.

(Chad) I've go to just do my thing.

(Ryan)Hey,batter,batter, hey batter,batter swing.

(Ryan) Two-steppin, now you're up to bat.

Bases loaded, do your dance.

It's easy:

Take your best shot,just hit it.

(Chad) I've got what it takes, playin my game,so you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me, YEAH.

I'II show you how I swing.

(Girls) You'll never know if you never try.

(chad)There's just one little thing that stops me ev'ry time. YEAH.

(Ryan)Come on!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan and Girls) Iknow you can.

(Chad) Not a chance.

(Ryan and Girls)It I could do this, well, you could do that.

(Chad) But I don' dance.

(Ryan) Hit it out of the park!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan) I say you can.

(Chad) There's not a chance.

(Ryan) Slide home, you score, swingin on the dance floor.

(Chad) I don't dance, no.

(Ryan) Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance.

Swing it out,spin around,do the dance.

(Chad) I wanna play ball,not dance hall.

I'm makin a triple,not a curtain call.

(Ryan) I can prove it to you til you know it's true,cause I can swing it, I can bring it to the diamond too.

(Chad) You're talkin a lol;show me what you gat. STOP.

(ALL!) Swing!

(Ryan) HEY

Come on,swing it like this.


(Chad) Ooh

(Ryan)Jitterbug...just like that.

That's what I mean; That's how you swing.

(Chad) You make a good pitch but I don't belive.

(Ryan) I say you can.

(Chad) I know I can't.

(Ryan and Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan) You can do it.

(Chad) I don't dance,no.

(Ryan) Nothin'to it.Alta boy, alta boy. YEAH.

(Chad) Hey,batter,batter, hey batter,bater what?

(Ryan) One,two,three,four, everybody swing!

(Ryan and Chad) COME ON!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan)I know you can.

(Chad) Not a chance.

(Ryan and Girls) It I could do this,well,you could do that.

(Chad) But I don't dance.

(Ryan) Hit it out of the park!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan) I say you can.

(Chad) There's not a chance.

(Ryan) Silde home,you score,swingin on the dance floor.

(Chad) I don't dance,no.

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