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Andy Bell: Andy Bell zazpívá o tom, jak přijmout reálný život - Andy Bell, zpěvák britské popové skupiny Erasure, vydá 2. května své sólové albu... - rockandpop.cz | 

Andy Bell: Andy Bell z Erasure vydá oslavný a reflexný album Ten Crowns - Spevák skupiny Erasure vydá 2. mája sólový album s názvom Ten Crowns. Tretia sólov... - zoznam.sk | 

Andy Bell: Andy Bell z Erasure chystá na květen sólovou novinku Ten Crowns - Jeho domovští Erasure si na chvíli vybírají oddechový čas, Andy Bell proto tento p... - musicserver.cz | 

COWBOY: Erasure v květnu rozšíří sérii reedic o desku Cowboy - Osmá řadovka Cowboy dvojice Erasure vyšla před sedmadvaceti lety a letos se dočká s... - musicserver.cz | 

Vince Clarke: Vince Clarke oznámil debutový sólový album plný nezaraditeľnej ambientnej krásy - Depeche Mode či Erasure je zrejme prvé, čo mnohým napadne pri mene Vince Clarke. Hudo... - zoznam.sk | 

Erasure: RECENZE: Erasure na albu Day-Glo zaujmou spíše náladou než melodiemi - Pro posluchače, který nepatří ke skalním fanouškům dua Erasure, ale čas od času ... - idnes.cz | 

Erasure: VIDEO: Koně, plameňáci a malá vykrádačka Erasure. To vše jsou The Killers ve skvělé novince 'Boy' - Je to právě rok, co kapela The Killers vydala poslední studiové album "Pressure Machi... - musicserver.cz | 

Erasure: Erasure nabídnou alternativní pohled na svou desku 'The Neon' - Jejich zatím poslední řadovka "The Neon" vyšla už před dvěma lety. To však neznam... - musicserver.cz | 

Andy Bell: Erasure konečně vydali slibovaný živák, na deluxe formáty si ale počkáme až do léta - Fanoušci britských Erasure by měli zbystřit. Andy Bell a Vince Clarke po několik odk... - musicserver.cz | 

Erasure: Erasure připravili reedici alba 'I Say I Say I Say' - Pro kapelu Erasure se deska "I Say I Say I Say" stala čtvrtým vrcholem britské albové... - musicserver.cz | 

Erasure - I Love Saturday Erasure - I Love Saturday | | If they'd ever have told me
That I'd find true love in every way
Would I cry till tomorrow?
Would I keep the non-believers away?
Remember that late night last September
When you held me in your arms so tight
I was feeling kind of low my heart was blue
I was empty till you came
But oh what a Saturday night
Things were going right
As right as they'd ever been
I know that you love me
If they'd ever have told me
That I'd find true love in every way
Would I cry till tomorrow?
Would I keep the non-believers away?
Was I shy was I good with this foolish heart?
Did I try to deny we would fall apart?
Like a knight in shining armour
You came over to save me
What a bolt out of the blue
Just one look into those eyes
You had me fallen completely
Head over heels in love with you
But oh what a Saturday night
Things were going right
As right as they'd ever been
I know that you love me
If they'd ever have told me
That I'd find true love in every way
Would I cry till tomorrow
Would I keep the non-believers away
Was I shy was I good with this foolish heart?
Did I try to deny we would fall apart?
And you saw me
I was falling
Head over heals in love with you
Saturday night
Things were going right
As right as they'd ever been
I know that you love me
If they'd ever have told me
That I'd find true love in every way
Would I cry till tomorrow
Would I keep the non-believers away
Was I shy was I good with this foolish heart?
Did I try to deny we would fall?
If they'd ever have told me
That I'd find true love in every way
Would I cry till tomorrow
Would I keep the non-believers away
Was I shy was I good with this foolish heart?
Did I try to deny we would fall?
Did I try to deny we would fall a-?
Did I try to deny we would fall apart?
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