Conflict - The Arrest Conflict - The Arrest | *** Autor textu: Conflict *** Autor hudby: Conflict | If you take part in direct action or the police don't like the look of you; you are likely to get arrested
Here's some things to and not to do
You don't have to say anything, nothing, but it is advisable (but still your choice) to give your name, address and date of birth, and then say nothing else
If you don't give them this you'll find they will only hold you for longer
While they establish your identity, but if you have been previously convicted
Then don't give your date of birth, for you are on their computers in birth order
Then you are not obliged to answer any further questions at all
Most people that are caught are sussed out by their own evidence
The police are cunning but thick, don't hand it to them on a plate
You don't have to give your fingerprints, make them apply for a warrant
This sometimes is refused - especially if the evidence is flimsy
Never let them take your photograph this is only compulsory after
You have received a prison sentence, so don't let them tell you different
You can demand suitable food; you might not get it "keep on asking"
You are entitled to make phone calls but the bastards won't let you
Remember the arresting officer's number, or any scum that treat you badly
Make a legal complaint afterwards. Look bored - but stay polite
When they question say "no comment", don't admit to any weakness
They are bastards trained by bastards
To protect, detect, and prevent, us and our like from questioning
Let alone, threaten the power that they cherish
Whatever you go through in a police cell is nothing compared to the suffering inflicted by Governments
The state destroys, tortures and murders, we must stop them, using force if necessary
Remember that and good luck |
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