Kate Voegele - I Won't Disagree Kate Voegele - I Won't Disagree | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Bm F#m G D A Em E F#
Bmi, F#mi, G, D, Emi, A
BmiIgnorance is F#mibliss, you'd Galways hear me Dsay
But at Atimes, you can't Bmideny those Emieyes looking your Away
BmiLet me beF#migin by Gsaying what I Dmean
It's a Acrime against the Bmiheart, you know
To be Emisomewhere in beAtween
GDon't Abe Dshy, I've got an Aopen heart and Ghand
And GI Ajust Dmight have to conEmifess where I Astand
'Cause Bmilately, you F#mimake me Gweaker in the Dkn(A)ees
And Bmirace through my F#miveins, baby Emieverytime you're Aclose to me
BmiTake me awF#miay to Gplaces I ain't Dse(A)en
They Emisay you've got a hold on Ame and I won't disaBmigreF#mi, G, De
BmiRock-a-bye, my F#mibaby, Gdon't be blue toDnight
AI'm on my Bmiway and I'm Emigoing to make it Aright
'Cause BmiI've got the F#mifeeling Gyou'll be needing Dlove
And of Aall the lonely Bmihearts, you're the Emione I'm thinking Aof
GI've Abeen Dtold it's going to Atake an iron Ghand
To Gbreak Athe Dmold and stand Emiabove all of the Arest, woah
BmiLately, you F#mimake me Gweaker in the Dkn(A)ees
And Bmirace through my F#miveins, baby Emieverytime you're Aclose to me
BmiTake me awF#miay to Gplaces I ain't Dse(A)en
They Emisay you've got a hold on Ame and I won't disaBmigree
I'll be F#mithinking of that Gevening when there's Dnothing for me to dBmio
I'll be F#miwondering if by Gsome slim chance you've been Ewondering
You've been wondering too, F#oh
BmiLately, you F#mimake me Gweaker in the Dkn(A)ees
And Bmirace through my F#miveins, baby Emieverytime you're Aclose to me
BmiTake me awF#miay to Gplaces I ain't Dse(A)en
They Emisay you've got a hold on Ame
BmiLately, you F#mimake me Gweaker in the Dkn(A)ees
And Bmirace through my F#miveins, baby Emieverytime you're Aclose to me
BmiTake me awF#miay to Gplaces I ain't Dse(A)en
They Emisay you've got a hold on Ame and I won't disagree
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