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Transpozícia: [+1+2-1-2] *** Autor textu: Gem Archer *** Autor hudby: Gem Archer
DSo let's Ddimhear it
EmFor the A7quiet Dones
DLet's all Ddimhear it
EmBe as A7bright as Hmisun
When it's Cdark and you're over Hmicome
Listen Enow
DLet's all Ddimhear it
EmFor the A7quiet Done
DSo let's Ddimhear it
EmFor the A7quiet Dones
DCan't get Ddimnear it
EmTill we're A7bright as Hmisun
When it's Cdark and you're over Hmicome
Listen ENow
DLet's all Ddimhear it
EmFor the A7quiet Done