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Steve Vai: Kytarový virtuos Steve Vai míří do Brna a Prahy - Když si vás do své kapely vybere Frank Zappa, znamená to, že umíte hrát zatraceně... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Steve Vai: Kytarový virtuoz Steve Vai míří do Brna a Prahy - Když si vás do své kapely vybere Frank Zappa, znamená to, že umíte hrát zatraceně... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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MOUTH: AUDIO: Poslechněte si dosud nevydanou píseň Franka Zappy 'Your Mouth (Take 1)' - Psalo se 10. dubna 1972, když se po několika týdnech zkoušek Frank Zappa odebral do h... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Frank Zappa: SLAVNá ALBA: 'Over-nite Sensation' a 'Apostrophe (')' aneb Ideální úvod do tvorby Franka Zappy - Těžko si představit seriál, který se jmenuje Slavná alba a který by neobsahoval al... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Frank Zappa: Frank Zappa: Umění šoku - Pokud by si dnes někdo, kdo Franka Zappu nikdy v životě neslyšel, pustil jeho raná a... - spark | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Mothers Of Invention: Do Prahy brzy zamíří spoluhráči Franka Zappy - abradio.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Bažant Pohoda: Na festival Pohoda príde britský talent Birdy, ale aj Ylvis, Slaves, Lasica a ďalší - ahudba.sk | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Frank Zappa: Rudolfinum ovládla méně známá hudba Franka Zappy - ceskenoviny.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Bára Basiková: Vyšiel Nový Populár, preèítajte si, èo obsahuje | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Bára Basiková: Vyšiel časopis Nový Populár 1/2016, prečítajte si, čo obsahuje | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Frank Zappa - Flambay Frank Zappa - Flambay | | He used to be very kind in his own crude way
He wasn't always like I wanted him to be
He wasn't smart, he wasn't handsome either
But he thrilled me when he drilled me
and I never loved a monster quite like he...
Because his love was so flambay
His kisses burned me so, his kisses turned me
from a queen on a throne to a shriveling spool
Here I stand all alone, a spider's fool
When it's me he needs to fondle his tool
I guess some bugs are just that way
He don't really need your love
He don't really need you
to be there when his hair gets matted and grey
With a broom cleaning his room from the mess he made that day
All those earthling worms he nibbled away
Oh Hunchentoot my love, how could you desert me now?
Oh Hunchentoot you brute, can't you see I want you?
Stay with me flagrantly
and we'll have ecstasy for all eternity
Because your love is so flambay
You kisses burn me so, your kisses turn me
from a queen on a throne to a shriveling spool
I don't mind if you're unkind 'cause spiders rule
Yes you are real cool
with those little webs you spool
and all your spider drool
oh let me float in your pool
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