Soul Asylum - Homesick Soul Asylum - Homesick | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
CI want to Glive with you
In the Dfifth dimension
In a Amidream I've never had
'Cause Fmaj7I just can't Glive like this
In a Amiworld like this
I just Fwant to kiss goodbye
®:: C But we are not of this Gworld
AndC there's a place for Gus
FStuck inside this Gfleeting moment
FTucked away where Amino one owns it
FWrapped up in a Chaste and by misAmitake got thrown aDway
And Coh, I am so Ghomesick
But it Amiain't that bad
'Cause I'm Chomesick for the Dhome I've never Ghad
And though I sometimes get annoyed
I know just where I'm at
This is my song of joy
And now I know there are no secret tricks
No correct politics
Just liars and lunatics
Fmaj7 Though I would not take it Gpersonally
It's just the Amichild in me
Who Cnever really Dknew how much I Emihad
C Woe is me, I am so Ghomesick
But it Amiain't that bad,
'Cause I'm Chomesick for the Dhome I've never Ghad
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