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Outside: Jednoho dne ji pustíme do světa. Slipknot na letošek slibují léta odkládanou desku - Už v roce 2023 se z tábora Slipknot ozývaly zprávy, že kapela vydá album Look Outsi... - idnes.cz | 

Slipknot: Bývalý bubeník Slipknot chystá sólovku - Jay Weinberg, bývalý bubeník americké rockové skupiny Slipknot, pracuje na svém prv... - rockandpop.cz | 

Slipknot: Jay Weinberg (ex-SLIPKNOT) se pustil do sólové prvotiny - Bývalý bubeník SLIPKNOT (dnes ve službách SUICIDAL TENDENCIES) Jay Weinberg pracuje ... - spark | 

Korn: Dalším headlinerem německých festivalů Rock Im Park a Rock Am Ring budou legendární KORN - Třetím hlavním tahákem německých festivalů budou americké nu-metalové legendy KO... - spark | 

Guns N' Roses: Ktoré rockové kapely podnietili tento rok najviac tetovaní? Pozrite si rebríček Top 10 - Rocková muzika a tetovanie sú dvojica, ktorá si k sebe našla cestu už od nepamäti. ... - zoznam.sk | 

Outside: „Look Outside Your Window“ od SLIPKNOT fakt vyjde - Kytarista SLIPKNOT Jim Root pár dní nazpět vyjádřil nutkání zveřejnit nevydané a... - spark | 

Outside: Jim Root zavtipkoval, že očekávané album „Look Outside Your Window prostě hodí na YouTube - Nejen fanouškům kapely SLIPKNOT dochází s vydáním jejich alba trpělivost. I kytari... - spark | 

Avenged Sevenfold: Rock for People oznámili dalšího headlinera: Avenged Sevenfold - Avenged Sevenfold se vrací do České republiky po 11 letech. Kapela vystoupí na jubile... - evropa2.cz | 

Sleep: Německé festivaly Rock Im Park a Rock Am Ring lákají na SLIPKNOT, THE PRODIGY, BMTH, SLEEP TOKEN a další! - Německé sourozenecké festivaly se příští rok konají v termínu od 6. do 8. červn... - spark | 

IDLES: Rock for People privezie obnovený Linkin Park, Slipknot aj to najaktuálnejšie z rockovej scény – Fontaines D.C. a Idles - Festival Rock for People oznamuje prvú časť programu jubilejného 30. ročníka, ktor... - zoznam.sk | 

Slipknot - Blackheart Slipknot - Blackheart | *** Autor textu: Slipknot *** Autor hudby: Slipknot | THIS SONG IS BY SLIPKNOT AND ITS CALLED BLACKHEART!!! ANDERS JOINED V-MOB ANDCOPIED THE SONG CALLING IT HURT ME!!!!!!
all the pieces of the puzzle seem to fall into place
but the only thought that i could think was pissin in that fuckin face
the taste that you left in my mouth was rotten
and you think that all the shit you did to me could be forgotten
well fuck no
you both got me last time
next time i see your punk ass is mine
from behind dawg i'm gonna crack that skull
then i'm gonna laugh when you fall cause you fucked me raw
comin home late at night when your sneakin in the door
with a bottle half empty and your tank is on full
you hurt me
and i will never forget
how you hurt me
and all the pain you caused
left my mind blank and my soul was lost
and now the thoughts are in my head and drifting side to side
you know i'm gonna get cause there is nowhere to hide
headlines will read on the night she died
trust me
i will get your ass back
if it kills me
for the rest of your life you will feel me
i'm gonna make you remember that you
hurt me
you fuckin hurt me
hurt me; hurt me; hurt me; hurt me
my head was fucked up; hurt me
when i was locked up: hurt me
made a phone call; hurt me
bitch put a block up; hurt me
on the phone letters to your home
but you never wrote me back
what the fucks up with that
one of these days i'm gonna get you bitch
find your body
in a valley
in the alley
in a ditch
with a 45 chrome to the back of your dome
havin everybody wonderin what the fuck is goin on
where the fuck did you go
never be back again
but i still keep thinkin about you now and then
trust me
i will get your ass back
if it kills me
for the rest of your life you will feel me
gonna make you remember that you
hurt me
you fuckin hurt me
i remember when i first said i love you
i got confused from the first time i fucked you
and you got nervous when i opened up your legs relax
cause i was raised on x-rated moves and porno mags
all day walk around with a full buzz
never fully understood what our love was
l-25 straight brought the light
same time had to dip outa town for a few nights
came back and my road dawgs waitin
tellin me some shit leavin me contemplaitin
fuckin my best friend
unheard of
and i'm gonna get you in the end yeah
one of these days it'll be my time
and i'm gonna slit your throat make it look suicide
fuck you, i should've known better than to trust you
we can never be together 'cuz you hurt me!
Hurt me,
Hurt me,
hurt me,
hurt me,
hurt me,
Fuck yu! |
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