Adam Green - Hey Dude Adam Green - Hey Dude | | How can I continue to survive
When the soda pop is dropping all the time
And the gravity is project behind a whore
Listen up because your daddy is a bore
And who can fly a rocket to the moon
When the two of us be dropping our tune
And he slipped between the shadow of the day
I dunno because I wanna make you pay
Hey dude!
Do you wanna go the wrong way?
Heartbreakers in the motown shakers
And the fakers in the town baby
White women and they don't stop swimming
I got a finger in the town baby
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Bob Dylan was a vegetables wife
Game over hope you had a good life
Hey dude, hey dude
Sock it to me baby
Do you wanna go the wrong way?
I'll take you for a ride
Watching now I love you all the time
Careful what you do about the wild, wild women
And all the fingers in the town baby
And all the fingers in the town
And all the fingers in the town |
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