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Alpha: LIVE: Rock for People, den první: létající toiky, RATM na banjo a Voodoo People - The Prodigy, Enter Shikari, Alpha Wolf, Bleed From Within nebo zrušený Corey Taylor. To... - IREPORT | 

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Enter Shikari: ENTER SHIKARI 3. 11. 2023 v Praze: Omamný polibek života - Kdo byl loni v listopadu na ENTER SHIKARI, nechť si zážitek připomene v reportu od Ka... - spark | 

Aviva: AUDIO: Enter Shikari a AViVA spojili své síly v novince 'Strangers', aby spolu nalezli svobodu - Enter Shikari a australská zpěvačka AViVA se před pár dny podělili o společný sin... - musicserver.cz | 

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Enter Shikari: Rock for People hlásí Avril Lavigne. Do SaSaZu přijedou Enter Shikari a Skynd - Pořadatelé festivalu Rock for People, který se bude v roce 2024 opět konat v Hradc... - novinky.cz | 

Enter Shikari: Debaty a koncerty. Prague Music Week rozezní pražský Národní dům - Národní dům na Smíchově se mezi 9. a 11. listopadem 2023 promění v epicentrum děn... - idnes.cz | 

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Enter Shikari - Juggernauts Enter Shikari - Juggernauts | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Bmaj7And I know tCmajhat we stiDmin7ll got time
But I do not think we're invincible
And I think that there is a sign
Yeah I do not think where invincible
Bmaj7Crushing allGmin7 in it's pAmin7ath X4
Gmin7Now don't getAmin7 me wrong
I love what you done with the place
Bmaj7I just wish i had Dmin7a chance to help build it
Gmin7Instead of juAmin7st moving into home of disrepair
Bmaj7And expected to woDmin7rk, prosper and then share
Gmin7Constantly reAmin7lying consuming to feel content
Bmaj7But only because wDmin7e lost touch with this home that we spend
Gmin7Trillions of Amin7dollars training for our wants
And not our needs
Bmaj7And now we're growDmin7ing tired of planting bleary eyed seeds
Gmin7Now I'm not sayingAmin7 that we could do better
Bmaj7But we given the cDmin7hance we try
Gmin7We've dig up the EAmin7arth find one soil
Bmin7Fill the trench wiDmin7th greedy eyes
(imagine ehco bit)
(i tend it just use the chords above
finger picked with some dynamic interrest
Bmaj7And I know tCmajhat we stiDmin7ll got time
But I do not think we're invincible
And I think that there is a sign
Deep breathes, clenched fists
Here comes another juggernauts
Here comes anouther Juggernaut!
Bmaj7Crushing allGmin7 in it's pAmin7ath (2x)
(What the hell will happen now?)
----This part is up for interpretation.
I use the chords as above with different accents
Bmaj7I really donGmin7't know maAmin7n
We'll do what we've always done
Shut our eyes and hope for the best
No we're gonna face this
And step out onto the tracks
Stare it right in the face
Thou shall not pass
Bmaj7And I know thCmajat we still gDmin7ot time
But I do not think we're invincible
And I think that there is a sign
Yes I do not think where invincible
Gmin7Crushing all iAmin7n it's path (Bmaj74x)
Bmaj7And I know thCmajat we still goDmin7t time
But I do not think we're invincible
And I think that there is a sign
Deep breathes, clenched fists
Here comes another juggernaut
Bmaj7And I know thCmaj7at we still gotDmin7 time
But I do not think were invincible
The idea of community
This is a version for solo or duo with bass
Any other ideas welcome
Will be something displayed in the museum
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