Kelly Clarkson - If No One Will Listen Kelly Clarkson - If No One Will Listen | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
MayCbe no one tolGd you there is strAmiength in your tears
FAnd so you fiGght to keep from pourCing out
FBut what if you Emiunlock the gate that Amikeeps your Gsecret Fsoul
Do you Dthink there's enough that you would Gdrown?
If no one will lFisten
If Gyou decide to Cspeak
If no one's leftAmi standing Gafter the bombs Fexplode
If no one wants to Clook at you
For Emiwhat you really AmiareG, D
I will be hereF still
No one can tell you where you alone must go
There's no telling what you will find there
And, God, I know the fear that eats away at your bones
It's screaming every step, "Just stay here"
F, G, C, Ami, G, F
CIf you find your fists are Graw and red from Amibeating yourself down
FIf your legs have given Gout under the Cweight
FIf you find Emiyou've been settling for a Amiworld Gof Fgray
So you wouldn't have to face down your owGn hate
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