Criminal Colection - You're not that innocent Criminal Colection - You're not that innocent | | Every second that’s the reason
Reason, why I love this moment in this season
Let me be that I’m your angel
Why, I have planed to be your dirty stranger.
Let me now, let me be. Questions are harder and I fall down cause of this crazy reality. You Fell me down, stop with these sounds, because I'm moving into your brain and I'm reading your feelings.
Every second wash your hands and we fell out.
Every minute lights your way you want to be free.
Melody sounds throughout the rooms and fool me when you’re gone.
My eyes are open when you scream I can’t hear this sound.
I´ve lost my pride
I´ve lost my site
I feel your hands on my arms you're not (that) innocent.
Don't called me baby when I feel like a loser
I'll never stop believing that you’ll stop getting closer
Your stupid feelings make me crazy
This is expected, it's not that amazing
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