

Avulsed - Let Me Taste Your Flesh Avulsed - Let Me Taste Your Flesh | *** Autor textu: Dave Rotten *** Autor hudby: Avulsed | Hidden behind on the internet anonymity
A perfect place where to unleash my cannibalistic wish
Through a delirious post written on a website?s forum
I need a voluntary victim, sure there will be one
Let me taste your flesh
Let me eat you alive
To my surprise I received an answer to my crazy ad
Another man with similar cannibal tendencies
He was too tired of his misunderstood life
Was going to sell it all and meet me for the final gory feast
In the dining-room
Sit down for the binge
I already cooked
Some parts of his leg
An ear...
His fingers...
His dick...
After we ate it all
He pronounced a wish
Ye wanted me to eat
The rest of his body
So I gave him death with deep cuts on his neck
Then I did cut his body off into pieces for the fridge
So then I?ll have meat enough to satisfy my hunger
I videotaped everything so I could later masturbate with it
Let me taste your flesh
Let me eat you alive
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