Nuclear Assault - Poetic Justice Nuclear Assault - Poetic Justice | *** Autor textu: John Connolly *** Autor hudby: Nuclear Assault | Doe, a deer thut Nugent shot
Ray, a fish that's flat
Me, the guy who's always getting f...ed
Fa, the ride to our next gig
So, it means I'm not impressed
La, a place where we record
Ti, H C it's found in pot
Dough is what I never seem to have
Mother Goose was never here
Father Christmas was a drunk
Easter Bunny well done tasted good
Peter Pan hung out with fairies
Tinkerbell got blown away
Mary Poppins O.D.'d on Quaaludes
Yo, a word to call my friends
Hey, it's how I say hello
Skeeve, the guy who drives your bus
Ma, the one who sleeps with dad
Bone, a spliff I roll myself
Pa, the guy who whips your ass
Dis, a bust on someone else
Dough is what I never seem to have
Mother Goose was never here
Father Christmas was a drunk
Easter Bunny well done tasted good
Peter Pan hung out with fairies
Tinkerbell got blown away
Mary Poppins O.D.'d on Quaaludes
Ho, a bitch who takes your cash
Spray is what I did to her
Heave, is when I vomit up
Car, a way to get around
You fuck me huh? You f...ing weak asshole dickhead cocksucker
You f...ing come on
Come f..k with me
I'll kick your ass you jerk
You fuckhead motherf...er, fuck all you and your family
Come on you cocksucker slime-f...ing s**tface dirtball
Bro, a guy who lends you cash
Lay, it ain't just down
Pee, a way to skip out on your class
Bra this thing that you unsnap
No, the word you never want to hear
Nah, it's how you say no way
Free, the price that nothing ever is
Dough is what I never seem to have
Morther Goose was never here
Father Christmas was a drunk
Easter Bunny well done tasted good
Peter Pan hung out with fairies
Tinkerbell got blown away
Mary Poppins O.D.'d on Quaaludes
Tow, a truck for when your car's gone down
Rahs, the girls who do the jocks
Tee, a place to put your balls
Grow, my hair until I drop
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