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Steve Vai - Sex And Religion Steve Vai - Sex And Religion |
Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Steve Vai | Steve Vai:
Sex and Religion
intro: Ab Absus4 Ab Absus4 Gb Db
Ab Absus4 Ab Absus4 Gb Db
Repent, repent, repent ye sinners -
What do you think you got,
Absus4 Gb Db
When you thought you had a lot
Ab Gb Db
But all your feelings are dead ?
And who do you think you are
When you're reaching for the stars
But all your feelings are dead ?
Must you make a decision
F#m E
between sex and religion
Why can't you love God in your bed ?
A ---------1---------|
E 0--2--4----4--2--0-|
Well, Jesus Christ
Absus4 Gb Db
Is in your bed tonight
Ab Gb Db
To bring you back from the dead.
How are you gonna fight
For what you think is right
If all your feelings are dead ?
And what can you know of love
>From the eyes of a child to the heavens above ...
When all your feelings are dead ?
It's a tragic condition,
Sex and Religion,
Makin' a mess in your head.
Well, Jesus Christ
Is in your bed tonight
To bring you back from the dead.
Jesus Christ
Or any son of athe headless light
When all your feelings are dead.
Resurrection !
I raise my hands high up in the air,
Get down on my knees,
And then I start-a-prayin'.
When love walks in
My body begins
I feel my promised land comin'
But I gotta go to Hell now.
d those Creatures,
Evangelist preachers,
The ones that take money
For the promise of hope,
Well, they are dangerous.
I'm not dangerous,
Brain washing us
And we're not gonna take it.
I just wanna know
Oh, Lord how is it so
How is it that you can take my sins away?
Oh, Lord tell me
So I can see the light again
I don't think anybody can take my sins away.
How can the truth be known
If we got little black holes
In our souls
And all our feelings are dead?
Are we imprisoned
By sex and religion
Or is God the one that's trapped in our mess ?
So remember now folks,
When you kneed to pray,
Blow a little kiss to the hypocrites.
Good Go knows when you turn
The other cheek
Which direction you're pointing it.
chords guessed by
Vesa Siivola |
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