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Firewind: Live SONATA ARCTICA, FIREWIND, SERIOUS BLACK: Arktické nadšení - Power- (a speed-) metalový bonbónek jsme dostali k rozbalení právě v čase, kdy z hl... - spark | 

Firewind: FOTOGALERIE: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black přivezli do Zlína melodickou metalovou nálož - Čtvrteční večer patřil ve Zlíně energické show, o kterou se postarala Sonata Arct... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: NAžIVO: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black do Zlína dovezli podmanivou metalovou energii - Sonata Arctica, finská legenda melodického metalu, do Zlína přivezla energickou a hud... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: Sonata Arctica už ve čtvrtek zahraje ve Zlíně. Sestavu doplní Firewind a Serious Black - Finští melodicmetaloví mistři Sonata Arctica s potěšením oznamují také českou ... - musicserver.cz | 

Cold: Dubnový Spark uvádí: Tony Kakko (SONATA ARCTICA) – „Umělá inteligence mě děsí.“ - Pro dubnový Spark si o novém albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ s redaktorkou Sabinou Jesenov... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA zve na výlet do Kalifornie - SONATA ARCTICA se na svém aktuálním albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ vrátila do časů po... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA se v novém singlu „Dark Empath“ vrací ke známému motivu - Finští powermetalisté již 8. března vydají své nové studiové album „Clear Cold... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA ohlašuje albem „Clear Cold Beyond“ návrat k rychlému power metalu - Finská SONATA ARCTICA vydá nové studiové album s názvem „Clear Cold Beyond“ 8. b... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: STRATOVARIUS, SONATA ARCTICA - 9. 11. 2023, Brno, SONO Centrum - Brněnský večer finských metalových melodií fotil Radek Šich.
... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: SONATA ARCTICA se s novým singlem vrací k powermetalovým kořenům - Po vydání dvou akustických alb pracovali finští power metalisté SONATA ARCTICA tajn... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica - Gravenimage Chords Sonata Arctica - Gravenimage Chords | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Sonata Arctica |
This IS NOT based on a recording/performance!!
Standard Tuning, Capo 4
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
Em Am G D
We met that night when the sea ran high
Em Am G D
And I craved for more of that near-love experience
C D Em D C D
Those who the music hath then joined together are now put asunder
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
(Em) Am G D
Remember me when I lit the fire
Em Am G D
To keep us warm on a cold winter morning
C D Em D C D
Now I pass through the moment.. Can I still recognize a beautiful.. melody?
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
(Em) Am G D
I play a note, but hear no sound
Em Am G D
Have I lost my love or the wings I found?
C D Em Bm C D
When I was young, and eager to please anyone who had time..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
Em Am G D
Needed to sing the very notes I heard
Em Am G D C
Had to stay in the shadows and seek for the loneliness..
D Em
Nevertheless, the price was higher than I had realized
I was to live alone, ready to make the sacrifice..
Was I in love with you?
Em Am G D
My old heart, little harder again
Em Am G D C
Once the light goes out, everything ends, it is time..
D Em
Ready to cause a scene, ready to make the sacrifice
Ready to play the note, ready to end the final show
The only thing I know..
Am C Em G
The pain is here to stay I fear..
Am C Em G C Am C
In my eyes.. I can change one note and make you cry
Em G Am C B
In this state of mind.. Silence is a crime
Solo- NOT transcribed
Em Am G D
How can life be so feigned and cold?
Em Am G D
I've answered the call of every melody, lovingly
C D Em D
Did I find the answers to all my questions,
C D Em C#dim
Or a gravenimage of me..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A.. C Dadd11 Em..
C Dadd11 A
If I found the hidden fountain..
C Dadd11 Em
Drank the wisdom from its deep..
C Dadd11 A
Would I have the time to save me?
C Dadd11 E
Would I have them both to keep?
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