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Firewind: Live SONATA ARCTICA, FIREWIND, SERIOUS BLACK: Arktické nadšení - Power- (a speed-) metalový bonbónek jsme dostali k rozbalení právě v čase, kdy z hl... - spark | 

Firewind: FOTOGALERIE: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black přivezli do Zlína melodickou metalovou nálož - Čtvrteční večer patřil ve Zlíně energické show, o kterou se postarala Sonata Arct... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: NAžIVO: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black do Zlína dovezli podmanivou metalovou energii - Sonata Arctica, finská legenda melodického metalu, do Zlína přivezla energickou a hud... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: Sonata Arctica už ve čtvrtek zahraje ve Zlíně. Sestavu doplní Firewind a Serious Black - Finští melodicmetaloví mistři Sonata Arctica s potěšením oznamují také českou ... - musicserver.cz | 

Cold: Dubnový Spark uvádí: Tony Kakko (SONATA ARCTICA) – „Umělá inteligence mě děsí.“ - Pro dubnový Spark si o novém albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ s redaktorkou Sabinou Jesenov... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA zve na výlet do Kalifornie - SONATA ARCTICA se na svém aktuálním albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ vrátila do časů po... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA se v novém singlu „Dark Empath“ vrací ke známému motivu - Finští powermetalisté již 8. března vydají své nové studiové album „Clear Cold... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA ohlašuje albem „Clear Cold Beyond“ návrat k rychlému power metalu - Finská SONATA ARCTICA vydá nové studiové album s názvem „Clear Cold Beyond“ 8. b... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: STRATOVARIUS, SONATA ARCTICA - 9. 11. 2023, Brno, SONO Centrum - Brněnský večer finských metalových melodií fotil Radek Šich.
... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: SONATA ARCTICA se s novým singlem vrací k powermetalovým kořenům - Po vydání dvou akustických alb pracovali finští power metalisté SONATA ARCTICA tajn... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica - Tallulah Chords Sonata Arctica - Tallulah Chords | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Sonata Arctica | C#sus2: x46644
Bsus2: x24422
Esus2: 022200
intro: E,F#,G#m x3
ver 1:
G#m B
Remember when we used to look how sun sets far away?
C#m B-F#
And how you said: "This is never over"
G#m B
I believed your every word and I guess you did too
C#m B-F#
But now you're saying : "Hey, let's think this over"
E F# C#sus2 G#m
You take my hand and pull me next to you, so close to you
E F# C#sus2 G#m
I have a feeling you don't have the words
E F# B F# G#m F# E
I found one for you, kiss your cheek, say bye, and walk away
Don't look back 'cause I am crying...
intro: E,F#,G#m x3
ver 2=ver 1
I remember little things you hardly ever do
Tell me why
I don't know why it's over
I remember shooting stars, the walk we took that night
I hope your wish came true, mine betrayed me
bridge 2 = bridge 1
You let my hand go, and you fake a smile for me
I have a feeling you don't know what to do
I look deep in your eyes and hesitate a while...
Why are you crying?
B F# C#m G#m B F# E F# G#m F#
Tallulah, It's easier to live alone than fear the time it's over, oo-ooh...
B F# C#m G#m B F#
Tallulah, find the words and talk to me, oh, Tallulah,
E F# G#m
This could be... heaven
C#m E G#m
I see you walking hand in hand with long-haired drummer of the band
B C#m
In love with her or so it seems, he's dancing with my beauty queen
E G#m
Don´t even dare to say you hi, still swallowing the goodbye
Bsus2 Esus2
But I know the feelings still alive, still alive
solo: G#m,B,C#m,B,F# x 2
I lost my patience once, so do you punish me now \\\
I'll always love you, no matter what you do \\\ same chords like
I'll win you back for me if you give me a chance \\\ bridge 1 & 2
But there is one thing you must understand \\\
B F# C#m G#m B F# E F# G#m F#
Tallulah, It's easier to live alone than fear the time it's over, oo-ooh...
B F# C#m G#m B F#
Tallulah, find the words and talk to me, oh, Tallulah,
E F# G#m F# B
This could be...
B F# C#m G#m B F# E F# G#m F#
Tallulah, It's easier to live alone than fear the time it's over, oo-ooh...
B F# C#m G#m B F#
Tallulah, find the words and talk to me, oh, Tallulah,
E F# G#m
This could be...
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