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Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Lennon-McCartney *** Autor hudby: Lennon-McCartney |
E Standing in the dock at Southampton
Trying to get to Holland or France
The E7 Man in the Mac said:"You gotta go back
you know they didn't even give us a chance"
Christ you know it ain't A easy
you know how hard it can E be
the way things are H7going, they're gonna crucify Eme
Finally made the plane into Paris
honeymooning down by the Seine
Peter Brown called to say:"You can make it OK
you can get married in Gibraltar near Spain"
Christ you....
Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton
talking in our beds for a week
the newspapers said:"What're you doing in bed
I said we're only trying to get us some peace"
Christ you...
ASaving all your money for a rainy day
giving all your clothes to charity
A7last night the wife said:"Oh boy when you're death
You H7don't take nothing with you but your soul - Think!"
Made a lightning trip to Vienna
eating chocolate cake in a beg
the newspaper said:"She's gone to his head
they look just like two gurus in drag"
Christ you ...
Caught the early plane back to London
fifty acoms tied a sack
the men from the press say:"We wish you success
it's good to have the both of you back"
Christ you know it ain't Aeasy
you know how hard it can E be
/:the way things are H7going, they're gonna crucifyEme:/
E, H7, E-E6
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