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Alice Cooper - Hell Is Living Without You Alice Cooper - Hell Is Living Without You | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Alice Cooper |
Note: All F chords, except for the one's in the intro and the choruses, should be played
the root note that situates on
the eight fret of the A string (5. string). The F chords in the intro and the choruses
be played using the root note
that situates on the first fret of the lower E string (6. string))
Diagrams of the chords are added at the end of the tab.
Intro: G F G F
I Verse:
Gm Bb
I can't find your face in a thousand masqueraders
Cm D# F
You're hidden in the colors of a million other lost charades
In life's big parade
I'm the loneliest spectator
Cm D# F
Cuz you're gone without a trace in a sea of faceless imitators
Gm D# F
F Gm
I can't take another night
Gm D# F
Burning inside this
I Chorus:
Am G Dm
Hell is living without your love
Ain't nothing without your
Touch me
G Bb
Heaven would be like hell
Dm Am G
Is living without you-ouu-ouu
II Verse:
Try to walk away
When I see the time I've wasted
Starving at a feast
D# F
And all this wine I never tasted
Gm Bb
On my lips Your memory has been stained
It is all in vain
D# F
Tell me who's to blaa-aame
Pre chorus:
Gm D# F
F Gm
I can't take another night
Gm D# F
Burning inside this
II Chorus:
Am G Dm
Hell is living without your love
Ain't nothing without your
Touch me
G Bb
Heaven would be like hell
Is living without you
Am G
Nights get longer and colder
Dm F
I'm down begging to hold ya
Am G Bb
On my own and I feel like hell
Dm Dm Dm
Is living without you (living without you) (living without you)
Solo: (Gm D# F F)x4
III Chorus:
Am G Dm
Hell is living without your love
Ain't nothing without your
Touch me
G Bb
Heaven would be like hell
Is living without you
Am G
Nights get longer and colder
Dm F
I'm down begging to hold ya
Am G Bb
On my own and I feel like hell
Dm (Am G Dm F
G Bb Dm Am G Dm F Am
Bb) - Outro
Is living without you-ouu
Chords used:
Cm x 3 5 5 4 3
Dm x x 0 2 3 1
D# x 6 8 8 8 6 or x 6 8 8 8 x
F 1 3 3 2 1 1 - For the intro and choruses
F x 8 10 10 10 8 or x 8 10 10 10 x - For the rest of the song
G 3 2 0 0 3 3 or 3 2 0 0 0 3
Gm 3 5 5 3 3 3
Am x 0 2 2 1 0
Bb x 1 3 3 3 1 or x 1 3 3 3 x
Disclaimer: All rights to this song, its notation and performing rights belong to their
owners, who are assumably
it's composers (Jon Bon Jovi, Alice Cooper, Richie Sambora, Desmond Child). The
of this tab holds no rights on
either the song or this tab. No tabbook or official publication has been copied in any
in the making of this tab except
for the lyrics that were copied from this location on 29.12.2008:
The lyrics are, however, slightly modified to fit the needs of transcribing
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