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INTERRUPTERS: NAžIVO: Punk, HC nebo ska... Na Mighty Sounds se pařilo na všechno! - Letos o něco dříve, zato s pořádnou plejádou velkých jmen. Tak vypadal sedmnáctý... - musicserver.cz | 

Mighty Sounds: Mighty Sounds s Rancid už za dva týdny - Festival Mighty Sounds právě zveřejnil podrobný harmonogram 17. ročníku. Už za dva... - rockandpop.cz | 

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Mighty Sounds: Rancid na Mighty Sounds 2023 - Kapela, jejíž jméno bylo vsouvislosti s Mighty Sounds hojně skloňováno od počátku... - rockandpop.cz | 

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Rancid: Legendární punk rockeři Rancid v červenci přijedou do Prahy - musicweb.cz | 

Mighty Sounds: Pankáčům se splní sen, po Mighty Sounds dorazí legendární Rancid - idnes.cz | 

Rancid - Red Hot Moon Rancid - Red Hot Moon | *** Autor textu: Rancid *** Autor hudby: Rancid | Under a red hot moon, take a bus downtown to the Grave yard shift tonight
Under a red hot moon, take a bus downtown to the Grave yard shift tonight
Casey’s from Cali, California.
She's got a reputation that she didn't ask for.
She’s waiting for an escape now, escape is called the 164.
Now, Casey, she won’t admit when she’s wrong,
now Casey, she’s always run, run, run.
She’s a punk rocker, she don’t trust no one
on a south end bus all alone.
Under a red hot moon, take a bus downtown to the Grave yard shift tonight
Under a red hot moon, take a bus downtown to the Grave yard shift tonight
Casey was never caught up, like the rest of the rats in a fucking maze
“Check me out” she said, “I’m in a concrete jungle,
I’m an individual and you’re stuck in my waste”
Oh hell no, she knows what the truth is. Because she said so
She knows who her friends are so fuck you, don’t get no closer,
it’ll only make her run far away
Under a red hot moon, take a bus downtown to the Grave yard shift tonight
Under a red hot moon, take a bus downtown to the Grave yard shift tonight
I know Casey’s brother pretty well, you see,
we spent a lot of time hanging out
I always thought for sure that she’d be the one to get out of here
and make a life fore herself
but when we found her in the little league park,
in the dugout it was cold in the dark.
No one knew why she wouldn’t wake up,
I think she finally made it back home.
Under a red hot moon, take a bus downtown to the Grave yard shift tonight
Under a red hot moon, take a bus downtown to the Grave yard shift tonight
[Rap verse by Rob Aston]
One time for your mind, two times for your soul three for the graveyard and the money I stole. Dimmed out in the city where the sun burns slow, no hope it’s a pity I can’t say no. It’s mot my time to go, it’s not my time to die, the last thing I wants for my mother to cry It was love at first light, since the very first night, things have never been the same since I took my first flight. The way I live my life, I love; I live lavish, lost me from the start. You lose, you’ll never have it! Untouched, unleashed, back up you don’t want it. Take it for the cash. It’s back, now he’s fronting. Take two pass, I’ll take to blast. Bust a mother fucker; I’m out on the flash. Pimped out, high as fuck. I’m out of control. Heads bounce, rocks quake now I’m ready to roll.
Under the red hot moon.
Under the red hot moon.
Under the red hot moon.
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