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Steve Vai: Kytarový virtuos Steve Vai míří do Brna a Prahy - Když si vás do své kapely vybere Frank Zappa, znamená to, že umíte hrát zatraceně... - musicserver.cz | 

Steve Vai: Kytarový virtuoz Steve Vai míří do Brna a Prahy - Když si vás do své kapely vybere Frank Zappa, znamená to, že umíte hrát zatraceně... - musicserver.cz | 

MOUTH: AUDIO: Poslechněte si dosud nevydanou píseň Franka Zappy 'Your Mouth (Take 1)' - Psalo se 10. dubna 1972, když se po několika týdnech zkoušek Frank Zappa odebral do h... - musicserver.cz | 

Frank Zappa: SLAVNá ALBA: 'Over-nite Sensation' a 'Apostrophe (')' aneb Ideální úvod do tvorby Franka Zappy - Těžko si představit seriál, který se jmenuje Slavná alba a který by neobsahoval al... - musicserver.cz | 

Frank Zappa: Frank Zappa: Umění šoku - Pokud by si dnes někdo, kdo Franka Zappu nikdy v životě neslyšel, pustil jeho raná a... - spark | 

Mothers Of Invention: Do Prahy brzy zamíří spoluhráči Franka Zappy - abradio.cz | 

Bažant Pohoda: Na festival Pohoda príde britský talent Birdy, ale aj Ylvis, Slaves, Lasica a ďalší - ahudba.sk | 

Frank Zappa: Rudolfinum ovládla méně známá hudba Franka Zappy - ceskenoviny.cz | 

Bára Basiková: Vyšiel Nový Populár, preèítajte si, èo obsahuje | 

Bára Basiková: Vyšiel časopis Nový Populár 1/2016, prečítajte si, čo obsahuje | 

Frank Zappa - Meek Shall Inherit Nothing Frank Zappa - Meek Shall Inherit Nothing | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Frank Zappa | F Eb
Some take the bible for what it's worth
Bb maj7 F
When it says that the meek shall inherit the earth
Well, I heard that some sheik
Bought New Jersey last week
Bb A G F F D G F*
And you suckers ain't gettin' nothing!
((((This line is all single note in the bass except the F at the F.))))
Is Hare Rama really wrong
If you wander around with a napkin on
With a bell on a stick
An' your hair is all gone...
(The geek shall inherit nothin')
You say your life's a bum deal
And you're up against the wall
Well, people, you ain't even got no kind of deal at all
'Cause what they do
In Washington
They just takes care of number one
Bb maj7 C
And number one ain't you
Bb maj7 C
You ain't even number two!
Those Jesus freaks, well they're friendly but
The shit they believe has got their minds all shut
An' they don't even care
When the church takes a cut
Ain't it bleak when you got so much nothin'
So whaddya do?
Eat that pork, eat that ham
Laugh till you choke on Billy Graham
Bb maj7 C
Moses, Aaron and Abraham, they're all a waste of time
Gm C
And it's your ass that's on the line
Gm C
(It's your ass that's on the line)
F Eb
Do what you wanna, do what you will
Bbmaj7 F
Just don't mess up your neighbor's thrill
And when you pay the bill
Kindly leave a little tip
Bbmaj7 F
And help the next poor sucker on his one way trip
F Bb Am7 Gm F
Some take the bi - ble oh, oh
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