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Rolling Stones - Fool To Cry Chords Rolling Stones - Fool To Cry Chords | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Rolling Stones | Basically one bar with F, then one with A#.
You can also follow this pattern beat by beat :
F, Fadd9, F6, F6; A#, A#7M, A#6, A#7M
x 3 1 1 1 1
x 1 3 3 3 3
x 2 2 3 2 0
x 3 3 3 3 3
x x x x x x
1(note)x x x x x
F F (chord) Fadd9 F6
When I come home baby
A# A#7M A#6 A#7M
And I've been working all night long
F Fadd9 F6 F6 A#7M A#6 A#7M
I put my daughter on my knee, and she says
F Fadd9 F6 F6 A#
"Daddy what's wrong?"
F Fadd9 F6 F6
She whispers in my ear so sweet
A# A#7M A#6 A#7M
You know what she says? She says
More simple here, just one bar with C then three with Dm. But Dmadd9 also comes in some times.
C, Dm, Dmadd9
3 5 0
5 6 6
5 7 7
5 7 7
3 5 5
x x x
C C C C Dm Dm Dm Dm
"Daddy you're a fool to cry
Dm Dm Dm Dm
You're a fool to cry
Dm Dm Dm Dm
And it makes me wonder why."
Second verse:
The chord pattern changes a bit. The F bar is a random mix of F (chord), Fadd9 and
F6, the A# bar goes as A#6, A#7M A#6, A#7M.
F F Fadd9 F
You know, I got a woman
A#6 A#7M A#6 A#7M
And she lives in the poor part of town
F F F F6
and I go see her sometimes
A#6 A#7M A#6 A#7M
And we make love, so fine
F F F6 F
A#6 A#7M A#6 A#7M
I put my head on her shoulder
F Fadd9 F F
She says, "Tell me all your troubles."
A#6 A#7M A#6 A#7M
You know what she says? She says
"Daddy you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
and it makes me wonder why."
Fade out:
This is the part played before the fade-out.
These chords are used:
F, Fadd9, F6; Dm, Dmadd11; A#, A#7M, A#6; C; Dm, Dmadd9
1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 0
1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 6 6
2 2 2 2 0 3 2 0 5 7 7
3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 5 7 7
x x x x x x x x 3 5 5
x x x x x x x x x x x
F F F F Dm Dm Dmadd11
Daddy you're a fool to cry
Dm F Fadd9 F6
Oh, I love you so much baby
F Dm Dm Dmadd11 Dm
Daddy you're a fool to cry
F Fadd9 F6 F A# A#7M A#6 A#7M
Daddy you're a fool to cry,
F Fadd9 F6 F
A# A#7M A#6 A#7M
yeah, She says,
C C C C Dm Dm Dm Dm
"Daddy you're a fool to cry
Dm Dm Dm Dm
You're a fool to cry
Dm Dm Dm Dm
And it makes me wonder why."
This comes after the fade-out. Same chords as before, plus
F F F F A# A#7M A#6 A#7M
She says, "Daddy you're a fool to cry
F Fadd9 F F Dm Dm Dmadd11 Dm
Daddy you're a fool to cry
F Fadd9 F6 F Dm Dm Dmadd11 Dm
Daddy you're a fool to cry
F Fadd9 F6 F Dm Dm Dm Dmadd11
Daddy you're a fool to cry
F Fadd9 F6 F Dm Dm
Even my friends say to me sometimes
Dmadd11 Dm
And make out like I don't understand them
F Fadd9 F6 F
You know what they say
Dm Dm Dmadd11 Dm
They say,
C C C C Dm Dm Dm Dm
"Daddy you're a fool to cry
Dm Dm Dm Dm
You're a fool to cry
Dm Dm C#m/5- C#m/5-
And it makes me wonder why."
Finally there's the solo guitar over the instrumental part.
Chords are :
Dm; G7, A
1 1 0
3 0 2
2 0 2
0 0 2
0 2 0
x 3 x
Just repeat this scheme every two bars:
Dm, Dm, Dm Dm; G7, G7, A, A |
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