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Rolling Stones - Wild Horses Chords Rolling Stones - Wild Horses Chords | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Rolling Stones | WILD HORSES
Verse progression: | Bm | G | Bm | G | Am | C D | G | Dsus2 C |
Chorus progression: | Am | C D | G F | C |
Intro: | G | Am7 | G Gsus4 | Am Am9 | G |
Bm G Bm G
Childhood living is easy to do
Am C D G Dsus2 C
the things you wanted I bought them for you
Bm G Bm G
Graceless lady you know who I am
Am C D G D C
You know I can't let you slide through my hands
Am C D G F C
Wild Horses couldn't drag me away
Am C D G F C
wild wild horses couldn't drag me away
Bm G Bm G
I watched you suffer a dull aching pain
Am C D G Dsus2 C
now you decided to show me the same
Bm G Bm G
no sweet thing exits or of stage lines
Am C D G Dsus2 C
could make me feel better or treat you unkind
Am C D G F C
Wild Horses couldn't drag me away
Am C D G F C
wild wild horses couldn't drag me away
BRIDGE: | F C | F C | D |
Bm G Bm G
I know I've dreamed you a sin and a lie
Am C D G D C
I have my freedom but I don't have much time
Bm G Bm G
Faith has been broken tears must be cried
Am C D G D C
Lets do some living after we died
Chorus 2:
Am C D G F C
wild horses couldn't drag me away
Am C D G F C
wild wild horses we'll ride them some day
Am C D G F C
wild horses couldn't drag me away
Am C D G F C G
wild wild horses we'll ride them some day
Interlude: | Bm | G | Bm | G | Am | C D | G | Dsus2 |
Repeat Chorus 2
End on G
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