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Cobain, Kurt: Courtney Love, hudobníčka, vdova po Kurtovi Cobainovi, má 60 rokov - Ešte pre vydaním albumu sa Courtney Love zoznámila v roku 1990 s Kurtom Cobainom.... - teraz.sk | 

Cobain, Kurt: Rebelka Courtney Love slaví šedesát: Závislosti, skandály a spekulace o smrti Kurta Cobaina - Courtney Love slaví šedesátiny. Kontroverzní zpěvačka rockové skupiny Hole a také... - extra.cz | 

Courtney Love: Sprostá blondýna Courtney Love. Nejkontroverznější ženě rocku je šedesát - Americkou zpěvačku a herečku Courtney Love, která 9. července slaví šedesátiny, o... - idnes.cz | 

Courtney Love: Skandalistka Courtney Love: Nejkontroverznější žena rocku podle časopisu Rolling Stone - Americkou zpěvač... - blesk.cz | 

Courtney Love: Nezajímavá Taylor Swift, vysloužilá Lana... Courtney Love si vzala na paškál kolegyně - Chybí vám doby, kdy (nejenom) hudebníky ještě nesvazovala všudepřítomná korektno... - musicserver.cz | 

Courtney Love: Na koncertě ukázaly prsa Madonna i Courtney Love. Znáte jejich kolegyni, která to na podiu dělá téměř pokaždé? - Zatímco některé umělkyně tu a tam zradí jejich koncertní kostým a odhalí pak ví... - super.cz | 

Courtney Love: Courtney Love si vzala na paškál Olivii Rodrigo. Čím ji mladá zpěvačka naštvala? - Olivia Rodrigo je vycházející hvězda, které se jedním hitem podařilo zbourat svět... - evropa2.cz | 

Courtney Love: Courtney Love má problém s Oliviou Rodrigo. Vykradla prý obal desky její kapely - Olivia Rodrigo před pár dny oznámila vydání koncertního filmu "Sour" ke stejnojmenn... - musicserver.cz | 

Cobain, Kurt: Tady psal Kurt Cobain písně na poslední album Nirvany. Na dům je dnes smutný pohled - Dům, který si v roce 1992 na čas pronajímali Kurt Cobain a Courtney Love a v němž m... - super.cz | 

Cobain, Kurt: NIRVANA | Krist Novoselic interview: Kurt se stal až příliš zbožštěnou modlou - Vydáno před 21 hodinami | autor: redakce
Krist Novoselic, někdejší baskytaris... - ireport.cz | 

Courtney Love - Sunset Strip Courtney Love - Sunset Strip | | Sitting here on top of the world
I got everything
I need from this world
Oh tonight, I got it right
Just one time
Cruising down the Sunset Strip
And there is nothing that's not,
That's not within my grip
Oh tonight, I can fly
I can fly
Look at me for the very last time
I've climbed so high
I've got no place left to climb
And I know, no tomorrow
Rock star, pop star, everybody dies
All tomorrow's parties
They have happened tonight
And I know that I won't see tomorrow
Sitting on the Hollywood sign
Watching the girls get off the bus
Watching the danger in their eyes
When they leave with broken hearts
Their shredded valentines
I came here from a dirty dark street
There was no one there to protect me
To make the nightmares go away
It has to sparkle
It has to shine
So hard
Look at me for the very last time
I've climbed so high
I've got no place left to climb
And I know, no tomorrow
Rock star, pop star, everybody dies
All tomorrow's parties
They have happened tonight
And I know that I won't see tomorrow
Turn on all the porno please
Been drowning here for days
Bad food, bad sex, bad TV and internet
Take all these stupid pills away
Climb down the boulevard
I'm coming down so fast
I'm coming down so hard
And I've said I can't stop
All those voices in your head
I don't sleep, I never dream
I just shut them up
Now I just keep screaming run away
It's the last time
It's the last time
Look at me for the very last time
I've climbed so high
I've got no place left to climb
No, I know, no tomorrow
Before the sparkle in my eyes
Turns to straight night
All this bleeding heart is still a valentine
Gonna ride this thing until the wheels fall off
Cause girls like me, we always get what we want
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Diamond and the promises and a million dollar bills
All the lives we're wasting in the Holloywood Hills
Cause we know, we're to good for tomorrow
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yesterday's girl or tomorrow's hot teens
Were you jerking off to her
Or were you jerking off to me?
And I know, that I won't know tomorrow
Yeah, you want my magic tower
You want my porno ways
I'm throwing them out
Dusty diamond's gone to rubies
Baby, I was well
You rock'n'roll bitches
You can get what you want, yeah
? me and I'm listening to you
The keys to the bed and the chateau too
Your little shit coated world
It is rotten to the core
I didn't know you were born without a soul
I've got voices screaming in my head
Are you jerking off in your bed?
It's not punk, it's not cool
It's not even boring
And it's not Eminem who's gonna save me
They're for real life
They tried to steal my soul
I've got pills when Famous
I got pills when you're old
I've got pills cause I'm bored
I've got pills cause you're dead
I've got cause I am the worst and best dressed
I've got pills cause I feel more than twentyone
Got pills cause I know, baby, you're not the one
I've got pills for my coochie
Cause baby, I'm sore
I've got pills cause you're mad
I've got pills cause I'm bored
Cruising down the Sunset Strip
And there is nothing that's not,
That's not within my grip
Oh tonight, I got it right
Just one time
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