

Nirvana - Spank Thru Nirvana - Spank Thru | |
A D G F5 G5 E B5 D5 Bb5
[A]This song is for lo[G]vers and the [D]mountains
[A]In the little li[G]ght in the [D]trees
[A] And all the flo[G]wers have gingi[D]vitis
[A]And the bir[G]ds fly happi[D]ly
[A]Once we're toge[G]ther once aga[D]in my love
[A]I need you back[G], oh baby, ba[D]by
[D]I can't expl[A]ain just why
We lo[F5]st it from the[G5] start
[D]living with[A]out you girl
You [F5]only break my he[G5]art
I can [E]feel it[G5]
I can [E]hold it[G5]
I can [E]mend it
I can [G5]shape it
I can [E]mold it[G5]
I can [E]cut it[G5]
I can [E]taste it[G5]
I can [E]spank it[G5]
Smack it, be[E]at it, masturba[G5]te it
[B5]I've been looking for da[D5]y glow [A][Bb5]
[B5]Always hearing the s[D5]ame old [A][Bb5]
[B5]City boy won't you sp[D5]ank thru [A][Bb5]
[B5]I can make you do things you wo[G5]n't think you ever could
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