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Outside: Jednoho dne ji pustíme do světa. Slipknot na letošek slibují léta odkládanou desku - Už v roce 2023 se z tábora Slipknot ozývaly zprávy, že kapela vydá album Look Outsi... - idnes.cz | 

Slipknot: Bývalý bubeník Slipknot chystá sólovku - Jay Weinberg, bývalý bubeník americké rockové skupiny Slipknot, pracuje na svém prv... - rockandpop.cz | 

Slipknot: Jay Weinberg (ex-SLIPKNOT) se pustil do sólové prvotiny - Bývalý bubeník SLIPKNOT (dnes ve službách SUICIDAL TENDENCIES) Jay Weinberg pracuje ... - spark | 

Korn: Dalším headlinerem německých festivalů Rock Im Park a Rock Am Ring budou legendární KORN - Třetím hlavním tahákem německých festivalů budou americké nu-metalové legendy KO... - spark | 

Guns N' Roses: Ktoré rockové kapely podnietili tento rok najviac tetovaní? Pozrite si rebríček Top 10 - Rocková muzika a tetovanie sú dvojica, ktorá si k sebe našla cestu už od nepamäti. ... - zoznam.sk | 

Outside: „Look Outside Your Window“ od SLIPKNOT fakt vyjde - Kytarista SLIPKNOT Jim Root pár dní nazpět vyjádřil nutkání zveřejnit nevydané a... - spark | 

Outside: Jim Root zavtipkoval, že očekávané album „Look Outside Your Window prostě hodí na YouTube - Nejen fanouškům kapely SLIPKNOT dochází s vydáním jejich alba trpělivost. I kytari... - spark | 

Avenged Sevenfold: Rock for People oznámili dalšího headlinera: Avenged Sevenfold - Avenged Sevenfold se vrací do České republiky po 11 letech. Kapela vystoupí na jubile... - evropa2.cz | 

Sleep: Německé festivaly Rock Im Park a Rock Am Ring lákají na SLIPKNOT, THE PRODIGY, BMTH, SLEEP TOKEN a další! - Německé sourozenecké festivaly se příští rok konají v termínu od 6. do 8. červn... - spark | 

IDLES: Rock for People privezie obnovený Linkin Park, Slipknot aj to najaktuálnejšie z rockovej scény – Fontaines D.C. a Idles - Festival Rock for People oznamuje prvú časť programu jubilejného 30. ročníka, ktor... - zoznam.sk | 

Slipknot - Welcome Slipknot - Welcome | | I am a product - of your conduct
The uncontrollable urges that made me
Have made us all - Are you proud? Do you even care?
You taught us all to lie - that's how we made it here
You should've buried the truth with your secrets
But you were far to impressed with your pretense
Now as far as I know, I don't know anything
'Cause you made damn sure I wasn't anything
Distractions, reactions
The only way to go is to go away
Discarded, retarded
Before I let you go, you have to let me
Clawed away from human clay
We are the broken shards, the art disarray
Before you condemn, you rape them, feed us meconium
Stunt our growth from our souls to our throats - cut!
You shouldn't wall us up with your apathy
But you did - now you're only growing enemies
This is the catalyst, the alpha, the first breed
'Cause you made damn sure - Now we're everything
Distractions, reactions
The only way to go is to go away
Discarded, retarded
Before I let you go, you have to let me
Much to my surprise, I will wake up
And follow the path of the ones I am made of
But this time... I won't give in
I will save you from my sins
Ensconced... in all that's wrong
I slam you shut... I can only take so much
How many times do I have to mistreat you?
Constantly biting my hand as I feed you
Maybe now you'll understand severity
I'll sum it up with the best amount of brevety
Welcome to the transformation
Welcome to annihilation
Welcome to the man that wanted
everything but couldn't have it!
Distractions, reactions
The only way to go is to go away
Discarded, retarded
Before I let you go, you have to let me
Much to my surprise, I will wake up
And follow the path of the ones I am made of
But this time... I won't give in
I will save you from my sins
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