I was cut open on the way down = Cestou na dol som bol rozrezaný
Reelin' form the blow = Potácal sa od rany
You were there on the other line = Ty si bola na druhej strane
In between the tears and the lightshow = Medzi slzami a svetelnou šou
What a disappointment, I though there'd be so much more = Také sklamanie, myslel som si že je tu toho oveľa viac
But all this talking' is driving me insane = Ale zo všetkého toho rozprávania sa idem zblázniť
And I was told if I was to sing along = A povedali mi že ak sa chcem pridať a spievať
Forget about myself 'cause we're the same = Mám na seba zabudnúť lebo sme všetci rovnakí
Maybe I should change my point of view = Možno by som mal zmeniť svoj uhol pohladu
Dizzy in the morning, shaky in the afternoon = Ráno sa mi motá hlava, poobede sa trasiem
Never no warning when it's gonna hit = Nikdy žiadne varovanie kedy to príde
I'm like an earthquake when I get to thinking too much = Som ako zemetrasenie keď príliš rozmýšľam
Everything falling through my hands = Všetko mi prepadá cez ruky
Maybe I should should change my point of view = Možno by som mal zmeniť svoj uhol pohľadu
All this time we have together = Všetok čas čo spolu máme
Desperation for everybody = Zúfalstvo pre všetkých
Wishful thinking = Zbožné prianie
For the the whole human race or whoever = Pre celú ľudskú rasu alebo kohokoľvek
In between the tears and the lightshow = Medzi slzami a svetelnou šou
In between the tears and the lightshow = Medzi slzami a svetelnou šou