

Helicó - MAKSEEMUM QUIET ! Helicó - MAKSEEMUM QUIET ! | | ...pssst...onlee jus´ 4 1 twinklin´...pah da da pah pah pah da da...pssst...makseemum quiet!
Rap-a-verze 1:
Last minitz of ma album, rap´z 4 me tha balzaam. U know I´mma before tha end of diz ma debut album. I jus´ wanna say some wordz 4 remember ma album. Now ma sayin´ goez on 2 smooth amenitee of endin´ ma album. Let me talk about some of nothin´ befo´, some of nothin´ afo´said, some of tha real..open tha door! U got no 2 Lifez, no 2 Godz, no 2 Skiez, no otha 2 feet, 2 mittz but onlee one real life wit´ ´cha own lone mind 2 sublime tastin´, wit´ ´cha own lone mind 2 get racizm 2 wastin´, wit´ ´cha own lone mind 2 detect tha naked truth, wit´ ´cha own lone mind 2 act no fool. I´mma rappa who try 2 comprehend a rulez of muddafuccin´ mind system, see dat!? I would appreciate it, if u´ll finally be in utta knowin´ of yaself, yaself...It´z in ma whispa!
Onlee jus´ 4 1 twinklin´ here we r ´n still 2 crush dat ba own endeavour! Strictlee not! Live tha life 2 makseemum quiet! It´z tha biggiz clauze of existence! Admit ´cha own muddafuccin´ disastaz dat it´z ba tha destinee´z wanted, but try 2 get off like an abzolute yea-sayin´ masta.
Rap-a-verze 2:
Yep, a human´z born ´n after it all fetchz til´ period of seein´ tha life bein´ hard. Harda dan hiz drawz ´n paintz, harda dan accord of hiz visionz on. Whaz tha answa 4 amazin´ life?! It´z existin´ of manee mephiticc quessionz at dat time: How 2 liv´ on 4 positive line?! How 2 b happy one?! Az ya think about az ya steel increazez, check it out! Ya know!? If tha man thinkz 4 negative den it can´t b tha talkin´ ´bout win ´em all, ya gotta be as busee az a bee, ´n if at positive den it can settle manee thangz. See me!? Associate maself wit´ dis philosophy. It makez ma belief, ma livin´ in a word, bein´ betta. Ma life meanz 2 me mo´ dan ya know, so remember it, rememba deze wordz!
Rap-a-chor: (2x)
Rap-a-chor: (2x)
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