Maroon 5
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Maroon 5: RECENZE: Hyperkinetická Gwen Stefani a splývající Maroon 5 na Prague Rocks - Druhý letošní velký open air koncert Prague Rocks v pražských Letňanech měl tři... - |
Def Leppard: FOTOGALERIE: Prague Rocks ovládli Maroon 5 a Gwen Stefani - Pražský jednodenní festival Prague Rocks ve středu nabídl své druhé letošní vyd... - |
Maroon 5: NAžIVO: Maroon 5 a spol. museli na Prague Rocks bojovat s deštěm i časem - Když musíte text vykopnout několika slovy k organizaci, není to moc dobré znamení. ... - |
Maroon 5: NAžIVO: Maroon 5 & spol. museli na Prague Rocks bojovat s deštěm i časem - Když musíte text vykopnout několika slovy k organizaci, není to moc dobré znamení. ... - |
James Bay: Maroon 5 hráli maskovaní v metru. Gwen Stefani zaujala Madonnu. Ve středu zahrají na festivalu Prague Rocks - Jednodenní festival Prague Rocks, který se odehraje ve středu 21. června na letišti... - |
Vojtěch Dyk: Blíží se druhý Prague Rocks, doveze Maroon 5 nebo Gwen Stefani - Druhý díl hudebního festivalu Prague Rocks se bude konat 21. června 2023 na pražské... - |
Maroon 5: Prague Rocks se vrací, aby rozproudil vaše léto s Gwen Stefani, Maroon 5 a mnoha dalšími - Festival Prague Rocks, pořádaný společností Live Nation, se letos vrací se slibným... - |
Maroon 5: Kupte si dvě vstupenky za cenu jedné na festivaly Prague Rocks s Mötley Crüe či Maroon 5 - Už jen pár hodin, konkrétně do půlnoci pátku 5. května, máte šanci využít spec... - |
Def Leppard: Prague Rocks nabídne Mötley Crüe, Kabát, Gwen Stefani nebo Vojtu Dyka - Hudební léto odstartuje festival Prague Rocks, který do Prahy přiveze kapely Def Lepp... - |
James Bay: Seznam účinkujících na Prague Rocks II. rozšíří Rag'n'Bone Man a James Bay - Praha - Vedle už dříve oznámené skupiny Maroon 5 a zpěvaček Gwen Stefaniové a... - |
Maroon 5 - Fortune Teller Maroon 5 - Fortune Teller | | I'm not a fortune teller
I won't be bringing news of what tomorrow brings
I'll leave that up to you
I'm not a fortune teller
Don't have a crystal ball
I can't predict the future
Can't see nothing at all
It doesn't mean I'm afraid of all the things that you say
But I just think we should stay
Stuck in the moment today
And as the seasons roll back
No matter how hard I try
Summer will end and the leaves will turn again
I don't know why you're acting like this
I don't know why you have to do it again
Why you have to go, and ruin the night
Don't worry about tomorrow's mess
I never know how the future will go
I don't know what to tell you, I'm not a fortune teller
I never change, but I want you to stay
I don't know what to tell you, I'm not a fortune teller
I don't like watching TV
I don't know what that all means
And your American dream, baby it just stays in me
I know what I'm thinking, may not be in your mind
I know the song I'm singing, it's not your favorite kind
It doesn't mean I'm afraid of all the things that you say
But I just think we should stay
Stuck in the moment today
And as the seasons roll back
No matter how hard I try
Summer will end and the leaves will turn again
I don't know why you're acting like this
I don't know why you have to do it again
Why you have to go, and ruin the night
Don't worry about tomorrow's mess
I never know how the future will go
I don't know what to tell you, I'm not a fortune teller
I never change, but I want you to stay
I don't know what to tell you, I'm not a fortune teller
This feeling, keeps growing, these rivers keep flowing
How can I have answers when you drive me in questions
I never know how the future will go
I don't know what to tell you, I'm not a fortune teller
I never change, but I want you to stay
I don't know what to tell you, I'm not a fortune teller
I never know how the future will go
I don't know what to tell you, I'm not a fortune teller
I never change, but I want you to stay
I don't know what to tell you, I'm not a fortune teller
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