N.e.r.d. - Maybe N.e.r.d. - Maybe | | Maybe = Možno
Love was the egg = Láska bola vajce
See and it was born in a cloud with silver lining = Pozeraj a narodilo sa to v oblaku s dobrou stránkou
But it broke, I mean it hatched on the ground = Ale rozbilo sa to, myslím vyliahlo na podlahu
So time flew right by me and while I... = Takže čas letel presne vedľa mňa a kým ja...
[Chorus] = [Refrén]
I know you thought your life was goin be easy = Viem že si si myslela že tvoj život bude jednoduchý
When you didn't call you found that you where wrong = Keď si nezavolala prišla si na to že si nemala pravdu
I know you thought your life was goin be easy = Viem že si si myslela že tvoj život bude jednoduchý
You thought you had it all but you found that you were wrong = Myslela si si že to máš všetko ale prišla si na to že si sa mýlila
See maybe there was something wrong = Pozri možno niečo bolo zle
And you weren't telling me no = A ty si mi nepovedala ne
See maybe the laugh's on me = Pozri možno ten smiech je na mňa
And life was telling me a joke = A život mi hovoril vtip
If something's yours and you let it go = Ak je niečo tvoje a ty to necháš ísť
If it comes back to you it was yours all along = Ak sa to vráti k tebe bolo to tvoje celý čas
When I let you go along with those lies from you = Keď ťa nechám ísť s tými klamstvami od teba
I wonder what else lies in you = Rozmýšľam čo iné v tebe klame
Or did the lies just just eat gone = Alebo klamstvá len len nechcú odísť
[Chorus] = [Refrén]
Hold it now! = Teraz to podrž!
Is ya'll there? = Ste všetci tu?
How you feel right now? = Ako sa práve teraz cítite?
Yeah me too = Yeah ja tiež
Hey yeah! = Hej yeah!
Hold it now! = Teraz to podrž!
Ya'll all right? = Budete všetci v poriadku?
See do you remember = Pozri pamätáš sa
what its like to wake up in her love nest = aké to je zobudiť sa v jej hniezde lásky
get it love nest and now she's gone = dostaň to hniezdo lásky a ona teraz odišla
gone gone gone = odišla odišla odišla
At which point you realize = V ktorom bode si uvedomíš
Life is but a joke and the laughs on you = Život je ale vtip a smeje sa ti
That's funny right = Je to sranda však
Babe = Zlato
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