

Calling - Why Don´t You And I Calling - Why Don´t You And I | | Since the moment I spotted you
Like walking round with little wings on my shoes
My stomach's filled with the butterflies... ooo and it's alright
Bouncing round from cloud to cloud
I got the feeling like I'm never going to come down
If I said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied
Every time I try to talk to you
I get tongue-tied
Turns out that everything I say to you
Comes out wrong and never comes out right
So I'll say 'why don't you and I get togehter and take on the world
and be together forever
Heads we will and tails we'll try again'
So I say 'why don't you and I hold each other and fly to the moon
and straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never going to let me in'
When's this fever going to break?
I think I've handled more than any man can take
I'm like a love-sick puppy chasing you around
ooo and it's alright
Bouncing round from cloud to cloud
I got the feeling like I'm never going to come down
If said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied
[Pre Chorus - repeat]
[Chorus - repeat]
And slowly I begin to realize this is never gonna end
Right about the same you walk by
And I say 'Oh here we go again, oh'
A pomaly si uvedomujem,že toto sa nikdy neskončí
Presne tade,kade si išla aj ty
A ideme sem zase...
[Pre Chorus - repeat]
[Chorus - repeat x2 to fade]
Od chvíle ako sme skončili
Akoby som mal na topánkach malé krídla
Môj žalúdok stúpa s motýľmi...ooo,a to je super
Poskakujem z oblaku na oblak
A cítim sa akoby som nikdy nemal zísť dolu
Ak ti poviem,že sa mi to nepáčilo,tak vieš,že klamem
Vždy,keď sa snažím zhovárať sa s tebou
Strácam slová
Mizne všetko,čo som chcel povedať
Je to horšie a lepšie to už nikdy nebude
Tak sa pýtam,prečo nie ja a ty?prečo nevzlietneme nad svet?
A boli by sme navždy spolu
Začiatky a konce
Tak sa pýtam prečo nie ja a ty?a držíme sa a letíme k mesiacu
Rovno do neba
Pretože bez teba ma tam nepustia
Kedy tá teplota skončí?
Myslím,že som sa snažil viac ako ktokoľvek iný
Som ako zamilované šteniatko,čo ťa stále prenasleduje
Ooo a je to super
Poskakujem z oblaku na oblak
Cítim sa akoby,som už nikdy nemal zísť dolu
Ak ti poviem,že sa mi to nepáčilo,vieš,že klamem
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