Under the water, = Pod vodou,
It's cold and it's grey. = je chladno a sivo.
My torrid autumn, = Moja horúca jeseň,
Another season decays. = ďalšie obdobie končí.
Open up the Hollow, = Otvorím Jamu
And my walls come down. = a moje steny sa zrútia.
I tell you it's a problem, = Vravím ti že je to problém,
Just when no one's around. = len keď nikto nie je nablízku.
But then, = Ale nakoniec,
I know what's wrong, = ja viem čo je zle
God, you complicated everything. = Bože, všetko si skomplikoval.
I know you're gone, gone, gone, = Viem že si preč, preč, preč
This is where I will draw a line. = Presne tu urobím hranicu
I will draw my line. = Nakreslím svoju hranicu.
Burning my cathedrals', = Pálim moje katedrály,
Cause I don't pray anymore. = lebo sa už viac nemodlím.
Look at all of these people, = Pozri na všetkých tých ľudí
Tragic little people = tragických malých ľudí.
They smile and then they don't know what for. = Usmievajú sa a nevedia prečo
But then, = Ale nakoniec,
I know what's wrong, = Viem čo je zle,
God, you complicated everything. = Bože, všetko si skomplikoval.
I know you're gone, gone, gone, = Viem že si preč, preč, preč,
This is where I will blur my line. = Presne tu zmažem svoju hranicu.
I will blur my line. = Zmažem svoju čiaru.
Our houses are haunted, Dark and deserted, = V našich domoch straší, sú tmavé a opustené
They're made of my secrets and shame. = Sú z mojich tajomstiev a hanby.
Baby I want it but now I'm not worth it = Zlato chcem to ale teraz za to nestojím
I can't even tell you my name. = Ani ti nemôžem povedať moje meno.
But then, = Ale nakoniec,
I know what's wrong, = Viem čo je zle
God, you complicated everything. = Bože, všetko komplikuješ.
I know you're wrong, = Viem že sa mýliš
God, you took it all away from me. = Bože, všetko si mi vzal
I know you're gone, gone, gone, = Viem že si preč, preč, preč
This is where I will cross my line. = Presne tu prekročím svoju hranicu
I am crossing my line. = Prekračujem svoju hranicu |