

Nightwish - Last Ride Of The Day Nightwish - Last Ride Of The Day | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Tuomas Holopainen |
DmiWe live in every moment but Cthis one
DmiWhy don't we recognise the faces Cloving us
What's God if not the spark that Cstarted Dmilife
Smile of a stranger
Sweet music,Cstarry
Wonder, mystery, wherever myCroad goDmies
Early wake-ups in a Cmoving Dmihome
scent of fresh-mown grass in the Cmorning Dmisun
Open theme park gates waiting Cfor
BRiding the day, every day into sunset
FFinding the way back Chome
DmiOnce upon a night we'll wake to the carnival of Flife
the Gmibeauty of this Dmiride ahead
Bsuch an incredible Chigh
It's Dmihard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark inFstead
This Gmimoment the dawn of huDmimanity
The Blast ride of the Cday Dmi
Wake up, dead boy
Enter adventureland
Tricksters, magicians will show you all that's real
Careless jugglers, snakecharmersby your trail
Magic of a moment
BRiding the day, every day into sunset
FFinding the way back Chome
DmiOnce upon a night we'll wake to the carnival of Flife
the Gmibeauty of this Dmiride ahead
Bsuch an incredible Chigh
It's Dmihard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark inFstead
This Gmimoment the dawn of huDmimanity
The Blast ride of the Cday
Medzihra: Gmi, F, C, Dmi, C, Dmi, C, Dmi, C, F, A
2x EmiOnce upon a night we'll wake to the carnival of Glife
the Amibeauty of this Emiride ahead
Csuch an incredible Dhigh
It's Emihard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark inGstead
This Amimoment the dawn of huEmimanity
The Clast ride of the Dday
Emi, D
EmiLast ride of the day
Emi, D, Emi, D
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