![](images/blank.gif) U2
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U2 - If God Will Send His Angels U2 - If God Will Send His Angels | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Bono a The Edge *** Autor hudby: U2 |
(capo 6)
Sólo kytara hraje riffy, doprovodná akordy
( C Ami)
Sloka 1: RIFF 1 – s Wah Wah
CNobody else here Amibaby
CNo one here to Amiblame
CNo one to point the Amifinger
It's just Cyou and me and the Amirain
Sloka 2:
Nobody made you do it
No one put words in your mouth
Nobody here taking orders
When love took a train heading south
Předrefrén 1:
It's the Gblind Amileading the blond
It's the Gstuff, it's the Amistuff of country songs
If CGod will Gsend his Amiangels G
And if CGod will Gsend a Amisign G
And if CGod will Gsend his Amiangels
Would Ceverything be Amialright?
Mezihra na akordy C a G
Sloka 3: RIFF 2 – s lehkým distortion a delayem cca 0.4 sec
CGod has got Ghis phone off Amithe hook, babe F
Would he even Cpick up Gif he Amicould F
It's Cbeen a Gwhile since we Amisaw that child F
Hanging C'round this GneighbourAmihood
Sloka 4:
See his mother dealing in a doorway
See Father Christmas with a begging bowl
Jesus sister's eyes are a blister
The CHigh Street never Glooked so Clow
Předrefrén 2:
It's the blind leading the blond
It's the cops collecting for the cons
So Fwhere is the hope and where is the faith
GAnd the CloveG... Amiwhat's that you say to me
Does CloveG... Amilight up your Christmas Tree
The Gnext Emi/Gminute you're Amiblowing a fuse
And the Gcartoon network Emi/Gturns Amiinto the news
Refrén - RIFF 2
If God will send his angels
And if God will send a sign
And if God will send his angels
Where do we Ggo?
Where do we Amigo?
Mezihra: C - Emi/G - Ami - C - Emi/G - Ami
Sloka 5: RIFF 3 - s Wah-Wah
CJesus Emi/Gnever Amilet me down G
You know CJesus used to Emi/Gshow me the Amiscore G
Then they Cput Jesus Emi/Gin show Amibusiness
Now it's Chard to Emi/Gget in the Amidoor (angel...)
Předrefrén 3:
It's the stuff, it's the stuff of country songs
But I guess it was something to go on
Refrén: RIFF 2
If God will send his angels
I sure could use them here right now
Well if God would send his angels
Scat singing (viz níže) dokola na akordy G - Ami...
... a fade out C - Emi/G - Ami - C - Emi/G - Ami...
Zde uvedená verze písně je albová a od singlové se podstatně liší:
Na singlu zcela schází 2. sloka „Nobody made you ... heading south“, po 2. předrefrénu „It's the blind ... for the cons“ se jde rovnou na refrén „Hey If God will send his angels...“ a vynechaný bridge „So where is the hope ... turns into the news“ přichází až po 3. předrefrénu „It's the stuff ... it was something to go on“. Závěrečný scat singing je pak v obou verzích zcela jiný:
Scat Singing – albová verze:
I don't want to lie
(Where do we go)
I don't want to have a feel for the song
And I want to love, and I...
(Where do we go)
And I want to feel alone...
Scat Singing – singl:
And I don't have to know how
(Where do we go)
And I don't need to know why
And I don't want to promise
(Where do we go)
And I don't want to lie
I just want to need you
(Where do we go)
(Slowly, some night by your door...)
Totˇvše. Připomínky a dotazy směřujte na - el.txeco@seznam.cz.
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