

Paródie - Alizée - Moi.. Kobyla Paródie - Alizée - Moi.. Kobyla | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
1. HmiWhat's your name? I'm GKobyEmila... A, F#
HmiI will teach you GGeoEmigraphy and AMaths
I've just Hmiended uniGversiEmity A, F#
I'll Hmigive you a test Gnow, what you Emiknow I will Asee....F#
Don't make me Hmiangry,
'cos then GI have to Emishow you, Ahave to show you Hmimy teeth,
And I don't Gwant you, really Emidon't want Ayou to Hmisee it.
EmiI'm KobyAla....
Students, why are you so bad ?
DOn't you know that you make me so mad.
I'll bit your head to bloody red.
So pass attention and don't make me sad.
HmiKo-Gby-F#la (everybody!}
Ko-by-la (let's go, have no fear!)
Ko-by-la (c'mon, and LOUD!)
Oh, why do you make me cry?
You're so naughty, so please tell me why.
I'll kill myself, oh yes, I try...
I'll jump from a bridge, 'cos I want to die...
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