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Billie Eilish: FOTO: Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Katy Perry aj No Doubt. Hudobné hviezdy sa spojili na koncerte FireAid - V Los Angeles sa v piatok súbežne konali dva benefičné koncerty FireAid na podporu ľ... - zoznam.sk | 

Sting: Sting musel odložit několik koncertů - Britský zpěvák a hudebník Sting byl nucen v tomto týdnu odložit kvůli nemoci něk... - rockandpop.cz | 

Linkin Park: Na letních festivalech v ČR opět vystoupí zahraniční hvězdy - Praha - Na velkých festivalech populární hudby v ČR letos opět vystoupí zahrani... - ceskenoviny.cz | 

Chainsmokers: Sting, Shaggy, Snow Patrol aj Sofi Tukker. Colours of Ostrava ohlasuje ďalšie mená - Festival Colours of Ostrava oznamuje ďalšie mená pre nadchádzajúci ročník, ktoré ... - zoznam.sk | 

Colours Of Ostrava: Sting přijede na Colours of Ostrava - Britský hudebník, zpěvák a skladatel Sting se vrátí do Česka. Konkrétně Sting 3... - rockandpop.cz | 

Chainsmokers: Colours of Ostrava doplňují line-up o Stinga, Shaggyho a další hvězdy - Festival Colours of Ostrava hlásí další jména svého chystaného ročníku, která d... - musicserver.cz | 

Colours Of Ostrava: Na Colours of Ostrava přijedou Sting, Shaggy, Snow Patrol i Sofi Tukker - Hudební festival Colours of Ostrava hlásí další velká jména, která na akci vystou... - novinky.cz | 

Seal: NAžIVO: Seal strhl publikum v pardubické enteria areně na svou stranu - Seal už, podobně jako třeba Sting, umisťuje svá představení také do menších mě... - musicserver.cz | 

Sting: NAžIVO: Sting si po Brnu, Pardubicích a Praze podmanil i Plzeň - Čeští fanoušci Stinga museli zkousnout poměrně dost odkladů, než se k nám s turn... - musicserver.cz | 

Sting: Sting - 4. 6. 2024, Plzeň, Amfiteátr Lochotín - Sting přijel do Plzně jen ve tříčlenné sestavě. I tak si ale Lochotín podmanil. F... - spark | 

Sting - All This Time Sting - All This Time | | All This Time
I looked out across
The river today,
I saw a city in the fog and an old church tower
Where the seagulls play.
I saw the sad shire horses walking home
In the sodium light
I saw two priests on the ferry
October geese on a cold winter's night
And all this time, the river flowed
Endlessly to the sea.
Two priests came round our house tonight
One young, one old, to offer prayers for the dying
To serve the final rite,
One to learn, one to teach,
Which way the cold wind blows
Fussing and flapping in priestly black
Like a murder of crows
And all this time, the river flowed
Endlessly to the sea
If I had my way I'd take a boat from the river
And I'd bury the old man,
I'd bury him at sea
Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth
Better to be poor than a fat man in the eye of a needle
And as these words were spoken I swear I hear
The old man laughing,
'What good is a used up world, and how could it be
worth having'
And all this time the river flowed
Endlessly like a silent tear
And all this time the river flowed
Father, if Jesus exists,
Then how come he never lived here.
The teacher told us, the Romans built this place
They built a wall and a temple, an edge of the empire
Garrison town,
They lived and they died, they prayed to their gods
But the stone gods did not make a sound
And their empire crumbled, 'til all that was left
Were the stones the workmen found
And all this time the river flowed
In the falling light of a northern sun
If I had my way I'd take a boat from the river
Men go crazy in congregations
But they only get better
One by one
One by one...
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