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Snoop Dogg - I Miss That Bitch Snoop Dogg - I Miss That Bitch | | [Snoop]
This one right here is dedicated to a lot of famous players out there
That might have been in love before
I know some of you might not think gangstas fall in love (I miss that bitch)
But uh, it's true
If you been in love like I been in love before, you know
It's hard to get with somebody once they gone (I miss that bitch)
It's hard to replace that special someone
When they just up and you know
Dip dive and so socialize
And what we gon do right here (I miss that bitch)
We go'n kick something over this HiTek beat right here
For all the players that lost somebody special
And wonder where she at
E. White kick that shit (I miss that bitch)
[E. White]
I got my eyes wide open
The whole time I'm holding on to hope with you on my mind
It's been a while child, I'm getting down with Dogg
I bet my name all around your wall
Perhaps I went to jail
That left us out of touch
Shoulda shot some mail or something
Ain't no telling where she at now
I be God damn
Baby I really wanna see what you got now
I'm all grown up with my shit together
I don't know if I'mma see you ever
I got a woman and shit,but I must admit this
You at the top of my list
Fuck with them nigga do
I still miss, there aint no getting rid of you
But in the mean time I'mma get with cha
Until I get somebody with your hook up Imma hit ya
I miss that bitch
She was a pot of gold
Her body was cold
I don't know where you went
Where did you go (I miss that bitch)
Shopping around looking around
I'm try to see
Where could you be
How could you do this to me (I miss that bitch)
My momma got mad
I was young when I hooked up with her
One hit and I couldn't stop trippin
A long lasting relationship
Pass you around, and let my niggas take a hit
I used to break you down just to roll you up
You the real, you never will slow me up
And you was always on my mind
Say no more
I still miss you at times
All of a sudden you lost my interest
I packed it up and set about my business
You used to have a hold on me
Sometimes to the point that they said you controlled me
I kept going to jail and all that
Get out, fuck with you again, I'm right back
I guess I had to learn the hard way baby
I'm leaving you alone cause you driving me crazy (I miss that bitch)
Mary, mary, mary
Quite contrary
Every time I think about that girl
Make a nigga wanna have a wet dream
Release some steam
ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhh
I miss that bitch
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