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The Eagles: Zemřel zpěvák a skladatel kapely Eagles J. D. Souther - V 78 letech zesnul J. D. Souther, zpěvák, který byl spoluautorem klasických skladeb ... - novinky.cz | 

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The Eagles: Zemřel Randy Meisner, zakladatel a basista kapely Eagles. Bylo mu 77 let - Ve věku 77 let zemřel jeden ze zakladatelů americké kapely Eagles, zpěvák a baskyta... - idnes.cz | 

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The Eagles: Ve věku 77 let zemřel zakladatel kapely Eagles, baskytarista Randy Meisner - Los Angeles - Ve věku 77 let zemřel jeden ze zakladatelů americké kapely Eagles, ... - ceskenoviny.cz | 

The Eagles: Zemřel zakladatel kapely Eagles Meisner - V noci na čtvrtek zemřel ve věku 77 let jeden ze zakladatelů americké kapely Eagles... - novinky.cz | 

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The Eagles: Všestranný zázrak taneční elektroniky Eagles & Butterflies zahraje poprvé v Česku - musicserver.cz | 

The Eagles - Learn To Be Still The Eagles - Learn To Be Still | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
F#, BF#B
F#It's just another day in parBadise
D#miAs you stumble to yourC# bed
F#Give anything to Bsilence
D#miThese voices ringing C#in your head
D#miYou thought you would finBd happiness
D#miJust over that greeBn hill
D#miYou thought you would be A#misatisfied
BBut you never C#will
Learn to be stiF#B, F#, Bll
(verse 2):
Like sheep without a shepherd
Don't know how to be alone
So we wander 'round this desert
Wind up following the wrong gods home
The flock cries out for another
They keep answering that bell
One more starry eyed messiah
Meets a violent farewell
Learn to be still
Learn to be still
C#Now the flowers in your garden
BThey don't smell so sweet so sweet
C#Maybe you'd forgotten
D#miThe heaven lying C#at your feet
Verse 3:
There's so many contradictions
In all these messages we send
Keep asking how do I get out of here
Where do I fit in
Though the world is torn and shakin'
Even if your heart is breakin'
It's waiting for you to awaken
Someday you will
Learn to be still
(F#LearBn trepeatedo be stilover, and, over, till, end, of, song).l
Just keep on running
Keep on running....
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