East 17


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Aqua: NAžIVO: 'Barbie Girl' a 'Coco Jamboo'. Festival 90s Explosion byl přehlídkou hudebních obskurností - Aqua, Twenty 4 Seven, Eiffel 65, Five, East 17, No Mercy, 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor, Do... - musicserver.cz | 

Aqua: FOTOGALERIE: Pražský open-air festival 90s Explosion v obrazech - Na pražském Výstavišti se v sobotní podvečer konal festival 90s Explosion. Vystoupi... - musicserver.cz | 

Aqua: 90's Explosion oldies festival doveze do Prahy skupiny Aqua, East 17, Eiffel 65 nebo Dr. Albana - V sobotu 20. května 2023 se na pražském Výstavišti milovníci devadesátkového popu... - musicserver.cz | 

East 17: Hviezdneho speváka nafotili po rokoch v ústraní: Psychické problémy a pokus o samovraždu! - LONDÝN - Spoznali by ste ho? V 90. rokoch sa chlapčenské spevácke skupiny tešili obr... - topky.sk | 

Backstreet Boys: Dnes by ho fanynky asi nepoznaly. Takhle vypadá po letech v ústraní hlavní zpěvák kdysi slavné skupiny East 17 - Pamětníci si jistě vzpomenou, že vedle Backstreet Boys, Take That a Boyzone v devades... - super.cz | 

Backstreet Boys: Dnes by ho fanynky možná nepoznaly. Takhle vypadá po letech v ústraní hlavní zpěvák kdysi slavné skupiny East 17 - Pamětníci si jistě vzpomenou, že vedle Backstreet Boys, Take That a Boyzone v devades... - super.cz | 

2 Unlimited: 90s Explosion v Brně: Devadesátá léta na fotbalovém stadionu připomněli Haddaway, Dr. Alban nebo 2 Unlimited - ireport.cz | 

East 17: Když se nepodaří, co se podařit má... - musicserver.cz | 

East 17: Boyband East 17 se vrací, inspiroval se u Kings Of Leon a U2 - ireport.cz | 

East 17: East 17 jsou opět ve třech, vydání alba je na spadnutí - musicserver.cz | 

East 17 - Gold East 17 - Gold | | Gold (x6)
Livin on this planet together for so long
One step closer could never be wrong
But, only for the better and no never for the worse
Placed here with the lords care to share this earth
Stop biting and fightin
Were just denying ourselves
Life and love is one
The deeper you delve
Stop killing and selling buying and thinkin of gold
Forget the body and remember the soul
*Life is worth more than gold
A soul should never be sold
A lie should never be told
Life is worth more than gold
**Gold we don't need it do we
Gold we don't need it do we
Gold we don't need it gold
Gold we don't need it do we
Gold we don't need it do we
Gold we don't need it gold
More than gold, it's plain to see
Jesus weren't sent to set a precious stone tree
But the heart the part, livin inside us all
A spiritual entity, the silent call
The flower with a power
To live in 2 worlds
The innocence asleep inside the boy and the girl
We had to say it
They must be told
Life is worth much more than gold
Repeat *
Repeat **
Dream, I dream (I dream...)
I dream, the rain will cease
I dream, the clouds will pass
I dream, the pain will ease
I dream, that my dream comes fast
I dream, the shadows have light
I dream, for peace tonight
I dream, of an end to war
Have you dreamed this dream before
Repeat *
Repeat **
Gold, I dream, I dream (x 2)
We don't need it do we, gold
We don't need it gold
Repeat **
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