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Iggy Azalea: Iggy Azalea nový album nedokončí. Napĺňa ju už iná práca - Speváčka sa prostredníctvom sociálnej siete zverila svojím fanúšikom s tým, čo j... - zoznam.sk | 

Afrojack: Exit Festival hlásí další headlinery: Iggy Azalea, Alok, Afrojack a ATB - Program jednoho z největších multižánrových festivalů v Evropě, srbského EXIT Fe... - musicserver.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: Nová alba: Wohnout, Iggy Azalea a Jungle - Druhou polovinu prázdnin využili k vydání svého nového alba mimo jiné čeští ro... - novinky.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: VIDEO: Iggy Azalea vydala klubovou hitovku 'I Am The Stripclub'. Internet víc zajímá barva její kůže - Dobu největší slávy má Iggy Azalea pravděpodobně už za sebou, ale hitovky jí ča... - musicserver.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: Iggy Azalea je naštvaná. YouTube dostatečně nepropaguje její nové video plné rozkroků a zadnic - Iggy Azalea společně s rapperem Tygou představila na začátku dubna novinku "Sip It",... - musicserver.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: Hudebnice (30) pověstných tvarů oznámila, že se tajně stala maminkou: Mám syna, šokovala fanoušky - 11. června 2020 9:52
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Iggy Azalea: Slávny rapový pár okradli o šperky v hodnote 330-tisíc eur. Iggy Azalea nechala zlodeja kradnúť, lebo si ho pomýlila s priateľom - refresher.sk | 

Iggy Azalea: IGGY AZALEA ve „cvokárně“ Podívejte se na další šílený klip populární rapperky - evropa2.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: Iggy Azalea a Alice Chater s novinkou Lola pripomínajú slávny hit Mambo Italiano - zoznam.sk | 

Iggy Azalea: XXXTENTACION je nesmrteľný, NICKI MINAJ chystá album a IGGY AZALEA všetko do*ebala - rukahore.sk | 

Iggy Azalea - Work Iggy Azalea - Work | | Walk a mile in these Louboutins
But they don't wear these shits where I'm from
I'm not hating, I'm just telling you
I'm tryna let you know what the fuck that I've been through
[Verse 1:]
Two feet in a red dirt, school skirt
Sugar cane, back lane
3 jobs took years to save
But I got a ticket on that plane
People got a lot to say
But don't know shit bout where I was made
Or how many floors that I had to scrub
Just to make it past where I am from
No money, no family. 16 in the middle of Miami.
I've been up all night, tryna get that rich
I've been work, work, work, work, working on my shit
Milked the whole game twice gotta get it how I live
I've been work, work, work, work, working on my shit
Now get this work
Now get this work
Now get this work
Now get this work
Working on my shit
[Verse 2:]
You can hate it or love it
Hustle and the struggle is the only thing I'm trusting
Thoroughbred in a mud brick before the budget
White chick on that Pac shit
My passion was ironic
And my dreams were uncommon
Guess I gone crazy, first deal changed me
Robbed blind basically raped me
Rose through the bullshit like a matador
Just made me madder and adamant to go at 'em
And even the score
So, I went harder
Studied the Carters till a deal was offered
Slept cold on the floor recording
At 4 in the morning and now I'm passing the bar
Like a lawyer
Immigrant, or ignorant
Ya ill intent was insurance for my benefit
Hate to be inconsiderate, but the industry took my innocence
Too late, now I'm in this bitch!
You don't know the half
This shit get real
Valley girls giving
Blow jobs for Louboutins
What you call that?
Head over heels?
No money, no family. 16 in the middle of Miami.
I've been up all night, tryna get that rich
I've been work, work, work, work, working on my shit
Milked the whole game twice gotta get it how I live
I've been work, work, work, work, working on my shit
Now get this work
Now get this work
Now get this work
Now get this work
Working on my shit
[Verse 3:]
Pledge allegiance to the struggle
Ain't been easy
But cheers to Peezy for the weeks we lived out of duffel
Bags is all we had
Do anything for my Mum, I love you
One day I'll pay you back
For the sacrifice
That ya managed to muscle
16 you sent me through customs
All aboard my spaceship to Mercury
Turn first at the light that's in front of me
Cause every night Imma do it like it's my last
This dream is all that I need
Cause it's all that I ever had
[Outro 2x:]
Now get this work
Now get this work
Now get this work
Now get this work
Working on my shit
| |