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Iggy Azalea: Iggy Azalea nový album nedokončí. Napĺňa ju už iná práca - Speváčka sa prostredníctvom sociálnej siete zverila svojím fanúšikom s tým, čo j... - zoznam.sk | 

Afrojack: Exit Festival hlásí další headlinery: Iggy Azalea, Alok, Afrojack a ATB - Program jednoho z největších multižánrových festivalů v Evropě, srbského EXIT Fe... - musicserver.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: Nová alba: Wohnout, Iggy Azalea a Jungle - Druhou polovinu prázdnin využili k vydání svého nového alba mimo jiné čeští ro... - novinky.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: VIDEO: Iggy Azalea vydala klubovou hitovku 'I Am The Stripclub'. Internet víc zajímá barva její kůže - Dobu největší slávy má Iggy Azalea pravděpodobně už za sebou, ale hitovky jí ča... - musicserver.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: Iggy Azalea je naštvaná. YouTube dostatečně nepropaguje její nové video plné rozkroků a zadnic - Iggy Azalea společně s rapperem Tygou představila na začátku dubna novinku "Sip It",... - musicserver.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: Hudebnice (30) pověstných tvarů oznámila, že se tajně stala maminkou: Mám syna, šokovala fanoušky - 11. června 2020 9:52
Více než měsíc se spekulovalo, že rapperka Iggy Azalea (30) v... - super.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: Slávny rapový pár okradli o šperky v hodnote 330-tisíc eur. Iggy Azalea nechala zlodeja kradnúť, lebo si ho pomýlila s priateľom - refresher.sk | 

Iggy Azalea: IGGY AZALEA ve „cvokárně“ Podívejte se na další šílený klip populární rapperky - evropa2.cz | 

Iggy Azalea: Iggy Azalea a Alice Chater s novinkou Lola pripomínajú slávny hit Mambo Italiano - zoznam.sk | 

Iggy Azalea: XXXTENTACION je nesmrteľný, NICKI MINAJ chystá album a IGGY AZALEA všetko do*ebala - rukahore.sk | 

Iggy Azalea - Impossible Is Nothing Iggy Azalea - Impossible Is Nothing | | Never quit until the clock stops
And never die out until your heart drops
Success will separate you from the have nots
And have all these haters at your neck like an ascot
You could do it too young world
I remember being exactly like you young girl
But wait, you could do it too young man
See you'll be fine as long as on your own two you stand
Keep on living, keep on breathing
Even when you don't believe it
Keep on climbing, keep on reaching
Even when this world can't see it
No, impossible is nothing
Even when you don't believe it
Impossible is nothing
Even when this world can't see it
Impossible is nothing
Got to hate to not have it more than you'd love to obtain
That your future's around the corner, so close you can almost taste it
It get worse before it's better, that storm you gone have to weather
Either be a busted pipe or a diamond due to this pressure
25 hours 8 days out the week
Focus, keep eyes open, victory never sleeps
My prayer for you is that you hit all them goals you trynna reach
I even hope at one point that you take it farther than me
Keep on living, keep on breathing
Even when you don't believe it
Keep on climbing, keep on reaching
Even when this world can't see it
No, impossible is nothing
Even when you don't believe it
Impossible is nothing
Even when this world can't see it
Impossible is nothing
I shall never let them see me sweat
Promise to want for more until my very last breath
Promise to blaze a path and leave a trail for the next
And never sell out my soul for any number on a cheque
I shall never let them see me sweat
Promise to want for more till my very last breath
Promise to blaze a path and leave a trail for the next
Just promise me when I'm gone you won't forget
Keep on living, keep on breathing
Even when you don't believe it
Keep on climbing, keep on reaching
Even when this world can't see it
No, impossible is nothing
Even when you don't believe it
Impossible is nothing
Even when this world can't see it
Impossible is nothing |
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