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Iggy Azalea: Iggy Azalea nový album nedokončí. Napĺňa ju už iná práca - Speváčka sa prostredníctvom sociálnej siete zverila svojím fanúšikom s tým, čo j... - zoznam.sk | 

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Iggy Azalea: Iggy Azalea je naštvaná. YouTube dostatečně nepropaguje její nové video plné rozkroků a zadnic - Iggy Azalea společně s rapperem Tygou představila na začátku dubna novinku "Sip It",... - musicserver.cz | 

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Iggy Azalea - Rolex Iggy Azalea - Rolex | | [Verse 1:]
You used to be everything, now that mean nothing
Thought this was poker with the cards up but we were bluffing
I miss you but pride won't let me tell you
Thought that we had all the time
But I'm guessing that plans fell through
Yeah, we fell off
I won't ask you to climb back
I paid twenty for that Rolly, I just want my time back
Was wrong too but I see it now
That you don't give a damn
I got you tatted, you took off before the ink dried on my hands
I was down to give you the world, instead you gave me hell
I lied, tried to be perfect and I played myself
And it hurts so bad, we coulda worked on that
Cause you say you love me, but real love don't work like that
The truth is, I left a piece of me in a piece I gave you
And I tend to laugh and crack a smile when things get painful
Said I crack a smile when things get painful
Remembering the moments when I used to date you
Rolex's don't tick-tock
But damn it baby, my time costs
And damn it baby, my time is money
So I need payback for all the time lost
I need payback for all the time lost
Said, I need payback for all the time lost
Damn it baby, my time costs
So I need payback for all the time lost
[Verse 2:]
Say that you love me
I say that you're lying
Cause I said we could work on it, you said "let's leave it behind"
Couldn't put together the picture I paint in my mind
So how I see you know insulting me is wasting my time
But we live and learn and learn and love and let go
Cause if we stay in this then we might make it worse than before
Another hard lesson, stressing taking personal notes
Remember sweet nothings, like baby, what's the purpose in those?
Both of us saying it shouldn't have went like that
But sometimes in love, it just get like that
Used to think that when it went wrong we'd get right back
You know, Cupid's got another arrow, and shit like that
And for all of y'all watching I hope that this entertain you
And that you enjoyed this song that I sang you
Cause I'm still here laughing when it gets painful
Remembering the moments when I used to date you
[Hook x2] |
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