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Rock For People: Rock for People finalizuje zahraniční line-up, dorazí Shinedown i While She Sleeps - Dnešním dnem je zahraniční lineup Rock for People kompletní. Pořadatelé oznámili ... - evropa2.cz | 

!!!: 60 albumov roka 2024 podľa redakcie Hudba.sk - S pribúdajúcimi redaktormi, ktorí sa do nášho tradičného výberu zapájajú, je č... - zoznam.sk | 

Architects: FOTO: Připomeňte si koncert ARCHITECTS a spol. - V březnovém Sparku jste si mohli přečíst reportáž z koncertu kapel ARCHITECTS, WHI... - spark | 

While She Sleeps: Nový klip WHILE SHE SLEEPS navodí atmosféru bolestného nezávislého filmu - Britská metalcorová banda WHILE SHE SLEEPS je připravena posunout se na další level ... - spark | 

Architects: ARCHITECTS, WHILE SHE SLEEPS, LOATHE – 4. 2. 2023, Praha, Forum Karlín - Fantastické hudební výkony, fantastická show. ARCHITECTS, WHILE SHE SLEEPS a LOATHE v... - rockandpop.cz | 

Architects: ARCHITECTS, WHILE SHE SLEEPS, LOATHE - 4. 2. 2023, Praha, Forum Karlín - Fantastické hudební výkony, fantastická show. ARCHITECTS, WHILE SHE SLEEPS a LOATHE v... - spark | 

LORN: FOTOGALERIE: Parkway Drive si podmanili zaplněné Forum Karlín, jejich předkapely nebyly jen do počtu - Zcela zaplněné Forum Karlín nabídlo v sobotu velmi výbušný večírek. Vystoupili ... - musicserver.cz | 

Agnostic Front: LIVE: Brutal Assault, den první. Neskutečné tempo, bláto everywhere a totální euforie - První den na Brutalu přinesl nejnabitější sestavu kapel z celého programu. While Sh... - IREPORT | 

While She Sleeps - Seven Hills While She Sleeps - Seven Hills | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
This is for the D#times I don't C#miwant to forget,
HTo anyone who has a C#mibitter regret,
C#For the ones who ever C#micall me a fake,
HI bit my tongue for C#miyour sake.
Keep me strong for holding on,
Keep us together after we're gone,
I know our struggle is distance and pace,
We learnt that in the choice we made.
My home, made by the people surrounding me,
Our place, Our everything.
D#I know, there's people in the C#miplaces I've been,
Who I know, I'll never find D#again. C#mi
I know, there's people in the places I've been,
Who I know, I'll never find again.
I'll never find D#again.
C#miI'll never find D#again.
Until the end of me, our dying day,
Our place of rest in a silent grave,
The life I lead the greed I've seen,
The pain alive in the honesty.
I know, there's people in the places I've been,
Who I know, I'll never find again.
I know, there's people in the places I've been,
Who I know, I'll never find again.
This is for the times I'll never forget,
For the memories we pour down our necks,
For the ones who take our name after us,
For the pain we call love.
Our homes are broken by bottles and bones,
And those who don't have the strength to go on.
Our homes are broken by bottles and bones,
And those who don't have the strength to go on.
We are five amongst the rest,
Lay the six across our chest.
The seven hills we keep within,
Under our skin from start to end.
We are five amongst the rest,
Lay the six across our chest.
The seven hills we keep within,
Under our skin from start to end.
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