Will Smith

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Will Smith:
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Will Smith

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Will Smith - Loretta
Will Smith - Loretta



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Loretta, wrote a love letter to a stranger thought that he would change her life
Thought she would be his wife OH Loretta
Never ever meant him no danger, her love for his sustained her
Thought that he would change her life
Miss Loretta, a young girl, I never really met her,
A fun girl, a real go-getter, I heard a gold Jetta
A full with books & herb or so I'm told, hooked on my every word
Oh so bold, a love letter cleverly worded in a jacket pocket
Wrapped inside a platinum locket
In the shape of a heart with pictures of me
Had it inscribed, "no us, no him then no me
She fell in love with the Prince of Bel-Air
Fantasy was to see me & to be with me there
So she wrote a love letter to me & then she signed it Loretta
Said, "I gotta go get him, Will is my Soulmate"
We gotta be together how could we not be together
But wait if I send the letter I mean how will I be sure if they give it to him
What if they don't give it to him, that would ruin everything
I gotta take it to him myself


She packed all that she owned into the back of her Jetta,
her backpack, her cellphone & a love letter
Most of her stuff was done up with pictures of me on it with a phrase "It's gonna be" on it
Her mother begging her please come home & then Loretta resenting her
Leave me alone Ma! I won't leave my destiny unfulfilled
"You're just jealous be cause Daddy ain't as sweet as my Will",(click)
To the front gate at NBC, in June & July, backstage at MTV,
she would drive anyplace that they'd mention I'd be
Told herself, "strive for love & God eventually
he would give me to her & her to me, this was meant to be
14 months outside every event that I'd be at, she'd still keep missing me
& now she's getting high with more frequency now
rage rumbling inside got to be with me now
then she heard I married Jada, she took her love letter out & wrote down,
"PS - I hate her."


Kodak Center, where the Oscars is at, she's sleep getting woke up by the cops in the back
By a dumpster didn't even greet 'em with fear, grinning ear to ear, said "my husband meeting me here"
"You know him, he's nominated for his flick 'Ali' & it'll be hell to pay if you pick on me!"
"Don't put that stick on me!", "Hell no I'm not leaving, get your hands
off me. Don't make those things click on me"
Kicking & screaming, "You intervening, this is fate. Mister. What you mean that I ain't?"
"What you mean it seems like I ain't"
"Ooh, your like my Mom & our love is gonna survive ya'll hate. God gon' take me to my destiny."
"Ya'll only seeing one side of me, Will gon' see the rest of me, he gon' see the best of me."
'If I could only get him next to me, he gon' bring my blessings to me, I know it."


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