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The Clash - Somebody Got Murdered The Clash - Somebody Got Murdered | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Somebody Got Murdered
The Clash
Album: Sandinista
Lyrics c/o uwp
Chords: It sounds like there are two guitars and they
mix up the fingering from lower to higher. Here are
the two positions where they alternate.
E C#m A F#m B
Intro: The song starts with a muffled barred E keeping beat
with the snare. Then, the other guitar comes in with:
Then they get into heavy chords as follows:
(played in the higher position sounds best)
E, C#mi, A
E, F#mi, A
ESomeone lights a AcigaErette
While Ariding Ein a F#micar
ESome ol' guy Atakes a Eswig
And Apasses Eback the F#mijar
BBut where they were Alast Enight
ANo-one Ecan F#miremember
C#miSomebody got Amurdered
GoodbBye, for keeps, fEorever
ESomebody C#mi got Amurdered
ESomebody'sF#mi dead Aforever
And you're minding your own business
Carrying spare change
You wouldn't cosh a barber
You're hungry all the same
I been very tempted
To grab it from the till
I been very hungry
But not enough to kill
Somebody got murdered
His name cannot be found
AThsmalley'll stainscrub onit theoff pavementthe ground
As the daily crown disperse
No-one says that much
Somebody got murdered
And it' left me with a touch
Somebody got murdered
Somebody's dead forever
Now play the intro riff above these words:
Sounds like murder!
Those shouts!
Are they drunk down below?
It's late, and my watch stopped
Some time ago
Sounds like murder!
Those screams!
Are they drunk down below?
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