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Foo Fighters - Best Of You Foo Fighters - Best Of You | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Foo Fighters *** Autor hudby: Foo Fighters |
|---------------------------------------------------| x 2
|---------------------------------------------------| x 1
Chorus: (is someone getting the best)
|---------------------------------------------------| x 3
Verse 2:
|---------------------------------------------------| x 2
|---------------------------------------------------| x 1
Repeat all of verse again
|---------------------------| x 4
Bridge: (Oh...)
|---------------------------------------------------| x 2
|---------------------------------------------------| x 2
Pick slide
Chorus: x 3
Verse: same as verse 2
Chorus: x 3
Ending is just:
This version of Best of You is made so you can play along while listening.
All number of strums are correct and i'm pretty sure chords are too.
The lyrics are their for guidance of where you are, not 100% accurately
I've got another confession to make
I'm your fool
Everyone's got their chains to break
Holding you
Were you born to resist
Or be abused
Is someone getting the best,
the best, the best
the best of you?
Is someone getting the best
the best, the best
the best of you?
Are you gone
and on to something
I needed somewhere to hang my head
Without your noose
You gave me something that I didn't have
But had no use
I was too weak to give in
Too strong to lose
My heart is under arrest again
But I break loose
My head is giving me life or death
But I can't choose
I swear I'll never give in
I refuse
Is someone getting the best
the best, the best
the best of you?
Is someone getting the best
the best, the best
the best of you?
Has someone taken your faith?, It's real
The pain you feel
You trust, you must, confess
Is someone getting the best
the best, the best
the best of you?
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Pick Slide with wah
Has someone taken your faith?
Its real, the pain you feel
The life, the love
You die to heal
The hope that starts
The broken hearts
You trust, you must, confess
Is someone getting the best
the best, the best
the best of you?
Is someone getting the best
the best, the best,
the best of you?
I've got another confession my friend
I'm no fool
I'm getting tired of starting again
somewhere new
Were you born to resist
or be abused
I swear I'll never give in
I refuse
Is someone getting the best
the best, the best
the best of you?
Is someone getting the best
the best, the best,
the best of you?
Has someone taken your faith?
Its real, the pain you feel
You trust you must confess
Is someone getting the best
the best, the best,
the best of you?
The end
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